Shock Horror

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Elena POV

My heart stopped in my chest as I stared at Klaus. They had killed Stefan or Damon. I had been holding out hope that they would save me but now that hope had been crushed by the monsters in front of me.

He just stood there smiling as though he had done me a favour, I couldn't bring myself to look at the other siblings. I just kept my eyes glued to his ice cold blue ones.

"Oh come on love, I'm only joking! Your Salvatores are fine." He rolled his eyes at me, as though my reaction to his revelation was extreme. "However, I did have myself a good brawl with them. Finn and Elijah here stopped me before the real fun could begin."

He had been joking with me, and what a cruel joke it was. I still couldn't move or speak, but I could finally breathe. The relief washed over me like cold winter air. I turned to look at the two eldest siblings who had saved my friends.

"Thank you." Was all that i managed to say, they nodded their heads in acknowledgment.

There was no pause before Kol spoke up, "this is boring, can we get on to the drinking and celebrating." His voice like that of a petulant child. Clearly wanting the attention for once.

But if they hadn't killed one of the Salvatores then what were they celebrating? I opened my mouth to ask that exact question but was cut off by the Hybrid in the room, my eyes snapping to him once again.

"Ah yes Kol! Do you wish to drink with us, love?" He made it sound like I didn't really have a choice but I decided anyway.

"No Niklaus, I think I'll be retiring to my room now." I couldn't even try to keep the anger out of my voice. I knew the use of his true name would make him realise the wrong he had done. I had only heard Elijah and Finn use it when they were scolding or warning him.

He raised an eyebrow at the name and continued to speak, the humour clear in his voice. "Don't be stupid," he strolled forward and grasped my wrist, " join us."

I opened my mouth to object but his grip only tightened, prompting me to shut up and leave the promise that if I continued to refuse he wouldn't be so nice. I nodded despite my need to be away from all four brothers. Their betrayel still burned in my heart and Klaus' version of a jest was now bringing my anger to a head.

"Good girl, now shall we go to the study?" He turned to look at his siblings and they all responded with a nod.

Kol looked ecstatic at the revelation that I would be joining them. His eyes twinkling with excitement, clearly assuming that I had forgiven them for betting on who could bed me first.

The siblings all left the kitchen, Klaus waiting til last so he could drag me along with him. His grip never weakening. He took me to the study which was filled with alcohol and books. This was not any of the siblings personal studies but it still held the same antique beauty as the rest of the house. I was released from the bruising grip on my wrist as the door was shut behind me.

I allowed myself to the look at the siblings properly since they had joined me at the house. Elijah was dressed in his usual suit but his tie was loosened and there was blood on the cuffs of his usual immaculate white dress shirt. He looked deep in thought.

Finn wore loose fitting black jeans and a dark green shirt that complimented his dark eyes and tanned skin. He held his usual empty expression, but he kept his eyes on me.

Kol was sat in an antique armchair, legs over the side and a decanter of a dark brown liquid already in his hand. He just appeared bored, as though he had expected some kind of entertainment but had been disappointed. He wore an old band t-shirt and black jeans, he dressed a lot like Jeremy I realised.

Rebekah sat at Klaus' feet, she was dressed in a crimson dress that fitted her perfect. Her expression was sad, one I hadn't seen on her often. I longed to comfort her, she had been my friend for a short time afterall and I knew that she had nothing to do with her brother escepades but I couldn't show emotion in front of these predators.

Last and very much so least, I turned my attention to the hybrid in the room. He sat in an armchair identical to Kols but instead of sitting lazily like his younger brother, he sat as though he was a king addressing his court. He still had the same smirk he held when he had walked through the door. One of his many expressions but clearly a favourite for him. He also wore dark jeans but instead he had paired it with a cream cotton long sleeved t-shirt which clinged to his skin, the three buttons of the top were undone.

They had all taken their seats in various places. There were no seats left for me so I strolled forward intent on sitting on the ground, similar to Rebekah only between the two eldest brothers who took residence on a two seater between the youngest brother and the half brother. However, before I could take my seat the former spoke up.

"Darling, come sit on my lap," he patted his knee, suddenly sitting up straighten. His eyes held mischief as he looked me up and down. "I promise you'll be comfy."

I rolled my eyes, "No thank you, Kol. I'm perfectly happy sitting on the floor." His smirk didn't falter and it was incredibly unnerving.

I tried not to look at him and just as I was beginning to lower myself to the ground, arms wrapped around me and I was staring into chocolate eyes. I squealed at the sudden intrusion of my personal space which just made him grin. Then we were sped over to the armchair which he had abandoned and I was forced to sit in his lap.

"Really darling, I insist." He whispered in my ear.

I tried to wriggle free but his grip was too strong and upon hearing his groan i stopped, disgusted by him getting off to my distress.

"Kol..." Elijah warned, I was unsure when he had snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh stop it Elijah, you were hardly going to give up your seat for her and a lovely woman such as Elena should never be forced to sit on the floor." He sounded like he truly cared for my wellbeing but then he continued, "unlike our dear sister, Rebekah, who definitely belongs there." He chuckled. "And besides I haven't been close to Elena in ages. I long to feel her touch just as all of you do!"

I blushed at the revelation and looked to ground. He didn't mean it of course. they just saw me as a game and the trophy they would receive in the end. I know this so why do I long for them too?

Klaus broke me from my thoughts, "Well I guess you won't mind sharing her then, considering you know how it is to want her like us." I looked up at him in surprise only to find his eyes not on me but on his brother behind him. He was challenging Kol.

I heard a slight growl behind me, so quiet that without the silence surrounding it, I wouldnt have been able to hear it. Klaus seemed to hear it too, his smirk growing considerably. He was getting the reaction that he wanted.

Klaus stood from his chair, practically kicking Rebekah from her seat. He began stalking towards me and Kol, like a predator. He knelt before me, his hand grazing my thigh. His eyes were not on me but on the vampire behind me. He moved his hand up my thigh and I bolted backwards.

Before I knew it, I was thrown aside and Kol was getting ready to attack his hybrid brother...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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