Hidden Desires

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Klaus' POV

I was watching her as she took in my bedroom/studio. She looked so entranced as she revised the details of my paintings. She looked...dare I say...cute. I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts. She was just a doppelganger. She just reminds me of Tatia. I brought her here to tell her my intentions.

"So...Elena," I spoke to try to gain her attention and it worked because as she was brought from her trance she stared at me with pure hatred. She cocked her eyebrow at me expectantly. "I brought you here because I need you so I can continue to make my army of hybrid and I'm afraid that being with those Salvatore's and the rest of your little gang could lead to you being killed or turned before you can provide a child to carry on the Petrova line."

Her eyes went wide with shock and she cut me off. "I will not have curse one of my descendants to a life of vampires just because they're related to me," she spoke with such venom as she stalked towards me and poked my chest with her finger at 'vampire' and it angered me that she had the audacity to challenge me.

I grabbed her wrist, "you didn't let me finish." She winced and my grip and I loosened it slightly. "You don't have to have a child, but if you do not you will have to spend the rest of your human life with my family and I. It's your choice, however if you stay here you will have to act as one of the family and I will take a litre of blood every two weeks."

She seemed to consider for a moment and pulled her wrist from my grasp, I made no move to take it again even though she shouldn't have done that so harshly, "I will stay here however you have to go by my terms." She spoke with confidence. Here she is, the deal maker Elijah's always talking about, and always so selfless. I cocked my brow half in amusement and half in interest. She took that as her sign to continue, "You will take a litre of my blood a month and I get to go back to school again."

I considered the pros and cons, the blood wasn't an issue however letting her go back to school was risky, the 'Scooby' gang might attempt to save her and that's a large issue, "fine I'll take only a litre of blood a month however I will consider you going back to school but you can't just yet I can't trust your friends not to pull a rescue mission and if you go back Rebekah and Kol will go with you."

Her eyes narrowed at my last condition, "fine." I smiled, satisfied at her answer. I was about to dismiss her as I turned my back to her. "How long have you been planning this?" I was slightly taken aback by her sudden question.

I straightened myself quickly and turned back to her. "Well since I found out your blood was the key to creating my hybrids. It didn't give me much time to plan it but you were out for a long time so it gave us enough time to get clothes of your size," I considered for a moment, "and Elijah requested we get a diary for you." Her eyes widened for a moment clearly shocked at that. "You'd have to ask Elijah for it though as he insisted on keeping it with him for some unknown reason." I knew why though, he clearly had a little crush on my doppelganger and he wanted some time alone with her.

She nodded slowly, "may I leave now?" She clearly felt uncomfortable in my presence, I don't blame her I did kill her aunt and even her once, and turned her friend Tyler into a hybrid.

"Yes you may, and dinner is at 7." I watched her leave and suddenly had the urge to paint. I sat at a clear canvas. I started painting the young girl who just left me feeling the same passion that I hadn't had in years. Why did I feel this way towards her? Or was it just her looks that drew me in? She was truly beautiful and her eyes held such innocence that neither Katerina nor Tatia had. She was much more passionate and kind than her ancestors. Katerina was deceiving and seductive. And Tatia was conniving. Katerina and Tatia were similar like that and they both enjoyed the company of two brothers and putting them against each other. Whereas Elena really did love both Salvatore's. I found myself angered at that, Damon was just as bad as I was so why did she hate me but love him? I continued to paint as my thoughts took me into a completely different world. I had gotten angry earlier at all of my brothers protective actions to her. I knew Elijah had something for her, possibly because of her heritage, but Kol and Finn never showed interest in either of the other doppelgangers in the past so why did they want her. I have to admit I was a bit jealous. I wasn't completely honest with her. I wanted her here because I wanted to protect her and I felt some weird attraction to her.

I know I'd gone a little too hard on her yesterday and I should've stopped a long time before Finn made me. She just aggravated me so much at the mention of my father. I couldn't help myself from looking at her bare chest though and her nipples hardened at the cold through her lace bra. She looked so sexy chained up with her chest bared to me and I even found myself hardening just at the thought of it. Go what I wouldn't do to have her completely bare and begging for me. I shook my head, disgusted at my thoughts. I turned back to the painting willing my erection to go away. I painted her deep dark chestnut waist length hair framing her heart shaped face, with her compassion filled auburn almond shaped eyes and he plumped lips with a crimson lipstick. She was a tanned goddess. Aphrodite would be jealous. I painted her wearing a black gown that hugged her curves and her perky round breasts, with a slit up the side that reached her hips and showed of her long slender legs. She looked perfect.

I found myself aroused again and paged one of the servants. I didn't know her name but I knew she was attractive and I'd used her before for both feeding and pleasurable reasons. She entered my room. She had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, she looked a lot like the doppelgangers friend, Caroline. I had been pursuing her for a while now in the hopes I could woo her into my bed but it wasn't working, she was one of those stubborn girls and she was also taken by Tyler who she claimed to love. I didn't have the time or effort for that especially just for a one night stand.

"Take your clothes off," I commanded and I removed my clothes as she did. She stood there bare to me but she wasn't as attractive as the lovely goddess who was now in my brothers company I assume. It angered me that she was with him. "On your knees," she complied and I walked towards her my arousal straight in front of me, I stopped when I was only an inch away from her. "Now suck," She wrapped her lips around my rock hard cock and bobbed it up and down, I closed my eyes and imagined a brunette with tanned skin in her place. I felt the coil build in my stomach as she licked and sucked at my dick and pulled her off me and threw her onto the bed with no elegance at all. I didn't care though. She meant nothing to me other than a fuck. I climbed onto the bed after her in the blink of an eye and pushed her onto her hand and knees. I tied her hands to the bedpost with my previously abandoned belt. I pushed into her heat with no hesitation and pumped in and out, hearing her moan in pain and pleasure. I imagined it as the angelic voice that was Elena's and I found myself moving quicker and almost at vampire speed as my nails dug into the girl hips. I felt her hip break under my finger tips and she cried in pain but I didn't care and just carried on fucking her. I suddenly shuddered and I came deep inside her, still pumping in and out of her. I bit into her neck and I felt her go limp and her heart stopped. I pulled my fangs from deep in her carotid artery and pulled out of her. I knew she was dead but it didn't matter. I got some boxers on and paged two of the other servants to come and get her from my quarters.

Once she was removed I went into the shower. What the fuck was that? Why was I thinking of her when I had a beautiful girl in front of me. The fact I just thought of the newest doppelganger that way both disgusted and angered me immensely. I punched the wall in my anger and the tiles broke under the force. She's just an object to me. All I want from her is her blood. She means nothing. I continued to convince myself of her insignificance to me until the water went cold. I stepped out, still angry at my thoughts. I dried myself off and as I was dressing a shrill scream pierced the air.



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