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I looked up into the blue eyes of the man who haunts my dreams. Rebekah pulled back giving her brother an icy cold glare before turning back to me, her eyes softening. She looked at me silently asking me if I would be okay talking to him. "If Elena wants to talk to you she can, I'm going back to my room." She jumped up off the bed and pushed back her brother. I watched her go before glancing at Klaus very quickly, not wanting to look into his eyes. But when I looked at him he was looking at the floor, shifting from one foot to another. I stared at him confused, he looked guilty for some reason.

After five minutes of him just standing there I finally decided enough was enough, "What did you want?" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone. I panicked slightly when I realised how that must have sounded to him, but when his eyes snapped up to meet mine all I saw was surprise and guilt. I looked away instantly and went back to my previous position.

"I'm sorry I kidnapped you and I'm sorry about what I did when you tried to escape, I really didn't mean to go that far... I should've expected you to try to escape after everything myself and my family have put you through. I'm a monster and my siblings, over the years, have been diseased with some of my traits," I couldn't really deny what he said, he was a monster but I didn't understand why he was doing this now, did he think he was the reason I tried to commit suicide? He looked so awkward, he couldn't meet my eye, he mustn't be the apologising type I thought, as he spoke again, "Look I'm not good at this whole apologising shit, I don't even know why I came in here, I should've just stayed away, everyone knows it was my fault you tried and almost succeeded in trying to kill yourself. You won't even look at me!" He was getting angry now and I looked up just as he was about to leave.

Almost like instinct I jumped out of bed, ignoring the dizziness that came with my sudden movement and practically ran to the doorway, just in time. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He immediately turned back and his eyes were glowing yellow and the red and black veins appeared under them. I should've been scared but without thought I reached up and touched the veins. They pulsed then under my touch, Klaus' hand shot up and grabbed my hand. I into his eyes and they'd turned back to their usual blue colour, I only realised now that they had slight green flecks in them, making them look like the ocean. Before I could contemplate what was happening his lips were on mine, his lips were so soft, against my will I kissed him back. I slowly remembered who this guy was and I put my hands on his chest, he must have thought it meant I wanted to go further because he put his hands on my bare hips under my top. I pushed him away and his eyes were filled with surprise and dare I say hurt?

"Elena what the-?" he started.

"Get out!" I shouted at him, with tears in my eyes, while backing away. But he just took a step towards me counteracting every step I took away. When he had me backed him into a wall I slipped down, sitting on the floor. I put my head in my hands not wanting him to see me cry.

"Elena what did I do wrong? It's not like you didn't enjoy it," he said cockily.

I stood and started beating his chest with my fists, "Get out! Just get out you bastard!" I screamed as tears flowed down my cheeks. His hands grabbed my wrists and I looked at him and once again his hybrid features were showing but this time he looked livid. His grip on me tightened and I whimpered in pain. My bones felt like they were on the verge of breaking. He didn't look even slightly human now, he looked like a pissed off wild animal. I closed my eyes awaiting the pain.

"Nik you're hurting her," I heard Kol say from behind Klaus but his hold didn't falter, it was like he was in a trance. Then the pressure on my wrists was gone, a large crash sounded in the room and I opened my eyes to see Klaus getting up, hybrid features still showing, from where a set of drawers had been, but now just lay a mess of wood and clothes. Kol was standing in front of me in a protective stance, when Klaus noticed his eyes seemed to darken even further. He lunged at Kol but before he could reach him Finn and Elijah had Klaus pinned against the wall. Klaus was thrashing against their grasps, his eyes not leaving Kol's figure in front of me

"She's mine Kol! Not yours!" Klaus shouted and I became confused but then I remembered that wolves and vampires were very territorial. Kol growled and started to move towards his three brothers but my hand snapped forward and grabbed his wrist, his head turned towards me his eyes full of confusion. I shook my head, not wanting him to hurt his brother, he seemed to understand.

"Get him out of here, I'll make sure Elena isn't injured," Kol turned to his brothers, Elijah and Finn looked reluctant, clearly not wanting to leave me alone with their other hot-headed brother but nodded and vamp sped out of the room taking Klaus with them. There was a human shaped dent in the wall where Klaus had been pushed into it. Once Kol was sure they were gone he turned around to face me and inspected my wrist, where bruises were already forming. "Do you want me to help you with that?" He asked when he looked back into my eyes, concern shining through clearly.

I shook my head, "I've had enough vampire blood for one day."

He nodded understanding, "You should rest Elena, and we'll sort everything out in the morning." I'd never seen him so serious. I was about to begin walking to my bed but before I could even take a step I was picked up and found myself over Kol's shoulder. I gasped in shocked and I can imagine had his usual cheeky smile on his face as he chuckled slightly. This was the Kol I knew, he knew how to cheer me up. He walked over to my bed, drawing back the covers and putting me down, I only realised how tired I was when my head hit the pillow. I felt Kol pull the quilt over me and he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. My eyes shut involuntarily and when I felt Kol pull away I opened my eyes slightly "Stay. Please?" I begged, I didn't want to be alone. He rolled his eyes playfully but nodded. I closed my eyes again until I heard a piece of clothing hit the floor.

I opened my eyes to see Kol topless and undoing the button to his jeans. Man did he have a gorgeous body, I found myself forgetting about what had just happened and took in the God of a man that stood in front of me stripping. His jeans hit the floor and I found my eyes following the little patch of hair between v-line leading to the rim of his boxers. My eyes widened when I saw the evident large bulge at the front of his black boxers. He cleared his throat bringing my attention away from his perfect body, I blushed as he smirked knowingly.

"As much as I enjoy you checking me out I'm actually quite tired," he yawned and went back to smirking. He walked closer till his clothed dick was at eye-level with my lying down form. "Budge up," I moved backwards giving him more than enough space. He climbed in and pulled me towards him causing me to squeal slightly as he smirked. He pulled me flush against his side and wrapped his arm around my waist as I rested my head against his bare chest and started to fall asleep allowing myself to forget about tonight's drama, I could just about register Kol's hand stroking my hair before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


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