The Wager

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3rd Person POV

Klaus sat on the ground of the basement early in the morning, his wrists and ankles bound by chains to the wall. The chains had been cursed by a witch to ensure no magical nor supernatural being would be able to break free of them. Only the one who had detained them would be able to free them, which in this case was his noble brother who leant against the far wall, his jacket hanging on a hook nearby along with his tie, and his sleeves rolled up. He and Finn had spent the night trying to get through to their hybrid half-brother although nothing had worked so far. Finn had retired to his room earlier on in the night as he had plans for the day, but Elijah had stayed with Klaus. He had lost it last night with Elena and almost seriously injured her never mind the fact that he had been prepared to attack their other brother Kol, who had only been trying to protect Elena from the livid hybrid. No one wished to discuss what Klaus had said about the doppelganger being 'his.'

Klaus had spent the night being tortured and tormented by his regret but he still couldn't quite control his wolf nature which screamed at him to go claim, the sleeping soundly just two floors up, Elena as his own.

Elijah was beginning to give up when finally his brother conceded, "I'm sorry Elijah may I be released now?" Klaus sounded truly sincere although Elijah knew better than to trust him.

"Niklaus I do not doubt that you regret your actions last night however I do not trust it will not happen again and so we are going to stay here and you are going to tell me truthfully of your feelings for Elena because I will not allow last night to repeat itself understood?" Elijah tried his best to be the elder sibling and guide his siblings in the right direction but they often made it harder than it was worth.

"Can we at least take this somewhere else Elijah? Somewhere preferably with plenty of alcohol," Klaus sighed.

The elder of the pair rolled his eyes before finally conceding, "Fine we may but it is only the early hours of the morning so it'd be in your best interest if you at least tried to remain quiet." He walked towards the younger brother and unshackled him.

Klaus stood and popped his bones that had grew stiff from being stuck in the same place all night and nodded, "Of course brother we wouldn't want to wake my doppelganger now would we?"

Elijah sighed and walked off back to his room, intent on showering then changing. Klaus followed wishing to do the same.


After both had made themselves presentable they had met at the front door and drove off to the Mystic Grill which was the closest bar to their residence. They sat at the bar and compelled themselves two bottles of bourbon along with two tumblers, although Klaus decided to just drink straight from the bottle, deciding he'd need to be smashed to have this conversation.


A bottle each later Klaus finally found the courage to speak up about his feelings regarding the most recent doppelganger. "She's just so much like Tatia you know?" Elijah murmured his agreement. "Except she's different. She's so affectionate and forgiving. I don't know what to make of her. She kissed me you know? But then she slapped me, right across the face," Klaus' face turned downwards as Elijah chuckled at the image of the small human hitting the big bad hybrid. "She's just so damned confusing, does she want me or not? My wolf side wants nothing more than to claim her but I don't know if it's just lust filled attraction. But then I get jealous of how close she is to you, Finn and Kol, she stays so distant from me and I want to feel the closeness that you guys get to share with her! Is that really so bad?! I hate how I know you and the others feel for her because I want her just for me!" Klaus sighed and took a swig from his newly opened whisky bottle as Elijah did the same, long forgetting about their tumblers, now sitting in a booth.

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