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Describe your life in one word. Most people would respond with 'Wasted' or 'Extraordinary.' Some would be humble and say it was a fun ride. Others would boast about how awesome theirs was and forget about the others around them. People don't realize there are others in need of help.

Welcome to my world. Well, what's left of it. A couple years ago, the ruler of the European Acreage  decided he wanted more power and decided to conquer all of the lands surrounding the continent. He took control of Asia, Africa, and most parts of Australia. The news in what used to be the United States of America said that his next target was us. Canada had already died out, from the lack of warmth and food. The crops couldn't have survived in temperatures like that.

And here I am, in what used to be Iowa. In the middle of 37 acres, there is a lodge. It can fit about 20 civilians at a time. There are only 12 lodges in the 'USA.' Technically, after everyone deserted the land, Congress renamed the country Monroe. I have no idea why, but they did. I think it was named after a president that was around in history before.

The only people who live with me in my lodge are Stephanie, a girl who escaped from a landslide in the Appalachian mountains and ended up here, Harper, a guy who was Iowa born and raised, but his parents passed away during the war. Drew, a new kid who came to the lodge just a few weeks ago, me and my brother, Bryce. Most of us have been here for years, since the ashes of the burning of D.C. We gladly welcomed Drew since we were all like him before. He had no home, like us. The lodge was provided by the government, who are now incognito.

Ever since the start of the war, which was 15 years ago, I've never stopped thinking about all of the people who risked their lives trying to fight South America. During that time, we were fighting to keep land from the Euros and South America wanted our land for themselves. We fought over it, and luckily won. The good thing was we got our land back, but the bad things were 3/4 of the country was in that war and most of the children passed from illness or gunshot wounds. Our parents also died fighting for our freedom.

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