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All three of us entered a room full of weaponry and maps. Jackie must be top force to be having this kind of equipment. She flipped a switch and the whole room lit up. There was a table in the center of the room and it started ascending from the ground. It was a 3-D model of the city. It had Big Ben, which we needed to head to, and every other little building surrounding it.

"So you kids need to head here?" She grabbed a long pointer rod and directed it to Big Ben. We nodded and she grinned.

"To get to where the king is, you must go to Big Ben. There, you'll have to go down in the basement and find a certain worker down there. His name is Sid. He has a nametag, so I dont have to explain him," She laughed." but anyways, talk to him. He'll guide you from there."

"Thanks, Jackie. We couldn't have done this with out you." Bryce thanked her.

"It's my pleasure. To be fair, they did cut down my space for living, so I think this is proper revenge.' She shirked. We all doubled over in laughter. "Now, how to get there..." She tapped her chin.

"Any jeeps?" Bryce offered.

"Nah, it's too risky. They're like hawks when Americans come into the country." Bryce chuckled until I realized something.

"Oh my gosh." I choked out. Bryce looked at me worriedly. "Bryce, the plane." His eyes widened and he cursed under his breath. I signed and ran a hand through my hair. "We can survive without our stuff, right?"

We heard an explosion and the whole room shook. I held on to Bryce and he put his arm around my arm, protecting me. Jackie just stood there like nothing happened.

"Let me guess,"

"That was your plane." She finished for me. I groaned and sighed. Bryce shook his head and had full attention on Jackie now.

"What do you guys use to get to the capitol?" He asked. Jackie tapped a button on the side of the map and the whole thing glowed to show the underground systems they have.

"These," she pointed to the tunnels," are how we get to and from there. The only way for you to access the tunnels is to be wearing a white uniform and helmet. In your guys' cases," she directed to our attire, "you'll need to change up your look." She smiled at us and we nodded.

She left the chamber and we followed her out. It shut behind us and we walked down the hall to where the bookshelf door was. We exited and the bookshelf closed, like it had never been opened. Jackie led us to her office and I peeked out the door to check on the boys and to see if Harry had ripped Drew's head off yet.

"You guys should stop fussing over her already. You're grown men for goodness sakes."

"But she's perfect. The way she gets mad and her face turns red, the way she laughs and smiles, it's beautiful." Drew gushed. Harry growled at him and Drew smirked. Were they actually talking about, me?

"Harry, what are the reasons you like her?" Suzanne asked. Harry sighed.

"Everything. I may have only known her for a week, but it seems like forever. The way she smiles makes me feel like I'm worth still being alive, that I'm here for a reason, to make her smile. She makes me happier now. There's never been anyone else in the world that's made me feel like this. I just have a feeling about here, that's all." He explained. My face turned red and I closed the door. Bryce looked at me worriedly and I nodded at him to reassure him I'm fine, even though I'm not.

Does Harry really fee that way towards me? Does Drew feel the same also? I'm thinking to much, aren't I? I shook off all of these thoughts and focused on Jackie.

"So, guys, should we dress you up for your journey?" She smirked. I laughed and smiled and Bryce nodded. She guided us to another door, except it wasn't hidden. When she opened it, it was a closet.

"Oh." was all I said.

"What? Were you expecting more than this?" I nodded. She chuckled. "Honey, you know this is just the beginning." She pulled on a hanger and the closet expanded.

During the expansion, there was a knock on the door leading into her office. "Miss Jacqueline? Is everything alright in there?" Suzanne called. Jackie rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Everything's going fine and dandy, Suzy!" She hollered back. Bryce stifled a laugh as Jackie mocked Suzanne. "I hate her so much ugh." She groaned. Now that's the Jackie I know.

The closet was full of racks and other mini closets, too. The only thing was that it was full of colors, not white uniforms.

"Jackie, where are the white outfits you were talking about?" Bryce asked. Jackie smirked at him and pressed a button by a vanity. The wall opened and there was a whole rack of white clothing.

"Uh, Jackie, how do you have this much room and clothing in your office?"

"Secrets, young Elliana, secrets." She grinned.

We grabbed tons of white stuff and headed towards her office, again. Bryce was the first to exit the room, then I was next. Jackie was closing up her office so there was no sign of proof we were ever in there. We threw outfits at Stephanie, Harper, Harry, and Drew. They looked at us puzzled and Bryce and I smirked.

“Put 'em on guys. We've got a world to save!” I cheered. They smiled and immediately put them on. Bryce cringed and I shielded my eyes. “Maybe somewhere else, guys?” I asked politely. They laughed and didn't budge.

“Nevermind.” I groaned. Bryce nudged me. “At least one of them will want to see you naked, Els.”

“Perv.” I scrunched my nose. “Always.” he smiled.

im so sorry I suck at updating please dont be mad at me (cheer that I'm taking time to make these chapters long k)

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