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“Ellie! Where are you?” Bryce called for me. I was sitting at the windowsill staring at the fields surrounding our lodge. “I'm up here!” I called back to him. He stumbled into our room and sat on his bed.

“What are you doing up here? You should be downstairs getting ready for training.” Training was when we would go outside and basically train to get ready if the zombie apocalypse ever broke out. We would use swords and guns against dummies and knives against wooden planks. The youngest people in the lodge would work in the fields to gather food for everyone to eat since there was no stores around where we live.

I walked downstairs and saw Stephanie and Harper making out (snogging). I covered my eyes and Bryce scolded them. They separated and burst out in laughter. I scowled at them and walked to the backyard where the training would be held. Drew was sharpening a knife on the deck and Bryce headed over to the guns to load ammunition in his rifle. I headed to the machetes and picked one up. Drew glanced at me and his eyes widened. His face turned read and he looked away. Odd.

“You should've seen the look on your face, El!” Stephanie came outside laughing. I rolled my eyes and continued sharpening my machete. “Oh c'mon Ells, don't be a Debbie Downer. Be a Positive Penelope!” She cheered. I turned around and put the machete up to her neck. She gulped. “I've put up with enough shit from you in these past few years. If you ever try to humiliate me again, you wont be here to have the last laugh. This is a matter of life and death. Not jokes.” I took the machete from her neck and went to the sharpener. She was still pale and frozen when I looked back at her. Drew looked at me and smirked. I looked back at him and stifled a laugh. We both continued on with our training and Stephanie never teased me again.

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