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wwooooooow i like the new cover for this story

dedicated to @ECC_527 bc she met niall horan and harry styles and made me scream

(also, sorry for making you guys guess who's POV it is >.<)


The tower is humongous close up. If you stood in my shoes, you would be in awe of it's  beauty and horror. The world's history is locked up in there with the emperor.

"Are we there yet?" I ask.

"Not technically. If we were 'there', then we'd been here for about three hours now." Bryce laughs. I stick my tongue out at him teasingly. "Mature."

"Know-it-all." I reply. He smiles and shakes his heaed at me before ruffling my hair.

"Bryce!" I scream, laughing a little.

"Yess?" He says innocently. I glare at him. I hadn't realized that everyone was waiting on us to move along. I chuckled and started walking again.

"You guys do know you could've kept walking and we would've caught up with you?"

"We wouldn't have known where to go, really. We're depending on you guys to lead us." Harper says. I shake my head and grin.

"Sooner or later you'll have to get used to us not being there to guide you anywhere." I say and mean it. I mean, we're not always going to be there to help them with their ways. That's their own jobs, really.

"We're here." Bryce says. I look up and bend my neck until it aches too much. This thing really was giant.

"Styles." I say not looking away from the building. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him perk his head up.

"Yes, Ellie?" He says quietly.

"Where do you think the best entrance to get into the tower is?" I say and face him. He looked afraid and almost... upset. Why would he be upset? He's helping us save the world.

"Uh, well my sister works at the school. Maybe she could help us?" He says, trying to avoid eye contact with me and my brother.

"The school should be straight ahead." Jackie comments. I nod and walk towards the tower entrance. I hadn't noticed there were guards until now. I went behind an abandoned vehicle and everyone else followed. We were all kneeling down from being in sight from danger.

"How are we going to get in without being caught?" I say quietly.

"We have two ideas. One is to knock out the guards and dispose of any video cameras," Drew suggests and  Bryce and I exchange a look.

"It's life risking but it'll work." I say, unsure of how it'll actually go down.

"Two is to make Harry go in and we follow him, trying to act as innocent as possible." He says. We exchange a look and nod.

"So what do I do?" Harry asks.

"You go to the guards and ask the seek the prescence of your sister. But, you have to bring us with you." I say. "Bryce will act as your best friend and I will act as your girlfriend, got that?"

He looks at me and smiles, nodding his head. Drew looks down and I notice. I tap his chin.

"Would you like to come?" I offer, smirking. He looks up at me and nods. I chuckle and he grins. "Then you'll be Gemma's boyfriend." He nods.

"Jackie, Harper, and Stephanie," Bryce starts. "Are you willing to risk your lives and knock out the patrol guards and security cameras?"

"If we help to save the world, yes." Jackie answers and Stephanie and Harper nod. I take a deep breath and sigh.

"I guess this is it." I say and crouch a little higher so I can see the doors.

"You got this." Stephanine says. Bryce nods and we start to walk towards the entrance.

The guards notice us, and I notice Drew shakinng. Harry was expressionless and Bryce and I were trying to stand our guard. I nudge Harry to speak and he wraps his arm around my waist, making it look like we're a couple. I smirk.

"We're here to see Gemma Anne Styles, please." He says casually. I look at him and he smiles at me. Not bad, Styles, not bad.

"Do you have any certification regarding entrance to seek 'Gemma Anne Styles'?" The guard asks. It's electronic.

"I am her younger brother, Harry Edward Styles." Harry answers. The robot was quiet for a moment before a hologram appeared in front of me and Harry. We took a step back to see it. The hologram had a figure shaped in it, then a woman.

"What do you want you damn robot?!" The figure says, irritated.

"Gemma!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry! Oh my gosh, it's been forever! What're you doing here?!" She says, curious and excited.

"We could tell you once you let us in." He laughs. Gemma facepalms and laughs also.

"Right, sorry." It sounded like she pressed a button and granted access for us to come in. I look behind me to see Stephanie, Harper, and Jackie giving us a thumbs up. I smile at them and the entrance to the tower opens. A light glows bright when we enter and then the room is a golden color. Harry's grip around my waist tightens.

The decor in the room was unbelieveable. Dozens of paintings filled the walls and golden artifacts were on display on tables and stands. He did all of this?

Gemma walks out of a doorway of some sort and walks up to us. Her arms are spread open and Harry released his grip of my waist. I frowned when he let go to hug Gemma. I actually felt safe when his arm was secure around me.

"How are you, Harry?" Gemma says when she releases the hug.

"I've been great. How about you, dear sister?" He replies and returns his place next to me. I grin and he smiles.

"I work at a school, what do you think?" She laughs. He laughs also, then it gets silent for a moment. The awkward tension in the room gets worse. I lean against Harry's shoulder and try to whisper something in his ear.

"Introduce us." He perks up and takes my hand.

"My apologies, Gemma. These are my friends." He says. He gestures to Bryce. "This is Bryce, my best mate, and his cousin, Drew." I saw Drew slightly glare at Harry, then his stare focused on our interlocked hands. Harry puts his hand around my waist and I smile. "And this, is my girlfriend, Ellie." I kiss his cheek and he blushes. Awe, I made Harry blush.

"Hello, wonderful companions of my wonderful brother." Gemma says. "So what brings you here?"

"We, uh-"

"We would like to see the emperer." Bryce says. My eyes widen and I tense. Harry notices and rubs my arm.

"Well, uhm, r-right this way." Gemma states and looks at my brother unsure. We walk down a hallway to somewhere and she leads us up the stairs.

"I can't believe you're letting us up." Harry comments and Gemma grins.

"I'm bringing you to see one of your best mates, it's my pleasure." She says. Harry gulps and nods. When we reach the top of the tower, there's a door that's blocked off. Gemma does something in a keypad and the door opens.

We walk in and stare in shock of everything.

oksy okusiusjifbckjebht

my 'k' key on my keyboard is jacked up lol

hope you enjoyed :)

why do you think they're in shock?!

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