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Where am I?

I woke up in the middle of a field. There was no trace of human society, and there was barely any animals out here. Hell, there wasn't anything out here. All I could see was a stalk of corn in the distance, but even that was too far. I sighed and sat on the ground. What am I going to do to survive? I mean, yes there was wheat out here, but no processer or oven to bake bread.

I walked around until I could see a water source or any sign of people. Sooner or later I would be dehydrated that I wouldn't be able to walk. I could feel it coming, I just didn't know when. I stopped, then collapsed to the ground. Just my luck.


Our first part of training was to actually go out and find anything living. If we did find something, we would report it to the manager at the lodge. The manager was a grouchy old woman who didn't care about anything, really. Either way, finding anything out here would be an accomplishment itself.

We grabbed all of our equipment and started heading out. Drew carried a dagger, which I've seen him use, and he could kill someone in one slice. Bryce carried his 'special' shotgun. I don't see why it's special, but he says it is. Stephanie had a machete, just like me, and Harper carried a net. I've known Harper almost my whole life and one thing I'm for sure, he is a big baby. Stephanie always pampers him so he doesn't actually try to be tough when he needs to.

After walking for a bit, we found something. It was a person. He was lying on the ground, passed out. “Guys, I found someone. We should carry him back to the lodge, he's unconscious.” I told them. “Bryce and Drew, you carry him while Stephanie and I head back to the lodge to get some water ready for him.” They understood and did what they were told. “What about me?” Harper whined. I sighed.

“Harper, we all know you can't survive out here. So, by that standard, you go back to the lodge and learn how to harvest crops, okay?” I told him. He glared at me and trudged back to the lodge.

“Don't you think that was a little harsh?” Bryce commented. I shrugged.

“We all knew it was coming.” Drew smiled and shook his head. “Let's hope he won't gang up on us.”

We walked back with the mystery person and saw Harper sharpening a knife. Stephanie had gotten a pitcher of water and set it next to a glass. We set the boy on the couch and gathered around him. He was knocked out, probably from lack of hydration. “Stephanie, get me that water and cup.” She nodded and went to get it. I studied this guy's features. He had curly hair, tattoos, and a lot of rings. His hair had a checkered red bandana in it, or maybe a shirt. He was wearing boots and was very tall. Stephanie came back with the water and I took the pitcher from her hand. I commanded the boys to bring him outside and they did. They tied him to a chair and turned it to face me. I stood in front of the boy and dumped the water on his head. He instantly shot up, and shook his head, getting any excess water out of his face. He looked up at me, and looked around his surroundings. “Where am I?”

“You're in the Pixie Lodge of Monroe. Its the 6th lodge built here. Where are you from?” Bryce stated. He faced him and his eyes darted to the gun in his hands. He went pale and didn't move.

“Bryce, put the gun away, you're scaring him.' I said. He set it down and crossed his arms. “Now speak, civilian.”

“Well, I'm from England. I was in a band, but then we split up. My name is-” Drew cut him off. “YOU'RE A EURO? BRY, GET YOUR GUN BACK. HE MIGHT HAVE WEAPONS ON HIM.” Bryce grabbed his gun and pointed it at him. “GUYS STOP IT! You don't even know if he's allies with the Euros.” They put away their guns and I had their full attention on me. “Continue, person.”

“As I was saying, I'm from England. And before you shoot me, I must tell you, I'm not in any way shape or form associated with the leader of the middle east.” He looked at us and scrunched his face. Bryce and Drew exchanged glances and untied mystery guy's rope from his back. “What's your name?” I asked him.

“Harry. Harry Styles.” Stephanie popped her head into the room. “Harry Styles? As in 'One Direction' Harry Styles?” she asked. He faced her and nodded his head. She pounced on him and they both fell to the ground with a thud. He groaner and she squealed with joy. One Direction? Seems like a stupid name for a band.

“Will you please, er, get off of me?” he kindly asked her. She nodded and stood up, still containing an idiotic smile on her face. “What's One Direction?” I asked them. Stephanie's jaw dropped and Harry stifled a laugh. “One Direction is not only the biggest boyband in history, but they're the hottest guys in the universe!” she squealed again. Harper looked offended and Harry smiled. “Was.”

“What?” Stephanie questioned Harry.

“I mean, we used to be. We haven't talked in years. Well, I mean, after Zayn's funeral.” He replied. Stephanie's eyes widened and tears started welling up in them. She started sobbing and Harper comforted her. “Who was in your group?” I asked.

“Okay. We have me, Harry Styles, who was sort of the leader of the band. I came up with the name,”

“Very creative name you thought of....” I whispered to Drew. He laughed and Harry rolled his eyes.

“Just let me finish.” he huffed. I gestured for him to continue. “Next we have, Niall Horan. He was the Irish one of the band, and he was the ball of energy that kept us together. When he moved away with his fiancé, Isabelle, we never saw him again, until the funeral, as I say again.” We heard Stephanie wail.

“After Niall, is Liam Payne. He's the one who kept us in order and told us what and what not to do. I miss him a lot. He left to be a guard for the Euro Leader.”

“Your friend is a guard for the Euro Government?” Bryce blurted out.

“Yes, yes he is. If you want, I could hit him up and he could probably deport us and let us in to the courthouse up in England.” We stared at him in shock. How does he know all of this? “Where do you know all of this information?”

“Now that, is a secret I will tell you later on.” he smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood up. “What are you doing?” Harry asked.

“If we want this separation to end, then we should head straight to the heart of the cause; England.

“So wait, we're actually going through with my plan?” He asked excited. I nodded and he engulfed me in a hug. I was taken aback, and Bryce growled at him.

“When do we, erm, leave?” Harry coughed.

“Whenever you want freedom.” I answered. He smiled. So did Drew.

“Let's go then. The sooner we get there, the sooner we actually can live in peace.”

 I hope you guys love the story! I've decided it'll actually be a real fanfiction, since I realized it would be too long as a short story. so enjoy!

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