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i'm liking this story better tbh

also, read 'polaroid' by @lukehemmingbird bc my name is in it and i get major feels okay


People couldn't form a rebellion against me, they just couldn't. I'm the ruler of this empire, and I can't be stopped. Sure, it's not the best environment, but it's a living one to survive. Everyone will be fine, I'm sure of it. I hear the door open and I hear someone mutter a 'stay here'. Footsteps come towards me.


“Don't you dare call me by that name.” I scold. She gulps. I notice it's Gemma and my breath steadies.

“Ed.” She rolls her eyes. “You have visitors.” I perk up.

“I do? Who would want to visit me?” I say, hushed. She gives me a small smile. She gestures for the visitors to come over and I smile. My smile fades until I land on a certain someone.


“Leave.” I say instantly.

Harry's POV


“Leave.” He tells me before I could say his name. I look at him weirdly.

“What? You don't want to see me?” I ask. “Your best mate?”

He shakes his head and looks down. “Harry,” He looks at me and sighs. “We're not friends anymore, you know that, right?”

I glare at him. “Bullshit.” I scowl. “I was there for you before your 'funeral' when no one else was. Louis left because of the grief. Liam was alone for months, considering you did leave him to do this fucking job. And Niall almost killed himself.” My voice started to sound shaky. “You're our friend, my friend, my bandmate. We promised we would always stick by each other's sides.”

He looks at me, blankly. “Why are you even here to see me? I was the forgotten one of the band, anyways. No one gave a shit about me at all. I faked my death because, well, I just wanted to escape everything. I wanted to be known. So, here I am now, being known.” He smiles.

“You're an idiot, you know that?” Ellie says, enraged by now. “Because of your selfish actions, you almost ended the human race, and you killed my family. Monroe, I mean America, is now gone because of you. So thank you, your highness.” She bowed and went to the exit. Bryce went to get her before she did something bad.

“I've got to agree with Els.” Drew starts. I mentally groan in my head for bringing him along. “You've killed people's lives to be known. Yes, you're known now, but you're hated. What would you rather be? Known by little and be liked, or known by all and be hated?”

Zayn looked down and Gemma was standing in the background, frowning. He stays quiet for a little bit before speaking up.

“I-I never thought of it that way. I guess... I just got caught up in being remembered. I'm sorry.” He says. I look at him in shock. Ellie comes storming up to him and grabs him by the collar.

“You think this is some kind of sick joke?! My parents are dead, and all you say is 'sorry'?” She growls at him. “Thank you for ruining my life, you asshole.” She spits at him and lets his collar go, causing him to land on the floor with a loud thud. Ellie came up to me and gave me a hug. I almost immediatly hugged her in return and rubbed her back, soothing her. Zayn now remains on the floor, his knees propping him up. His hands are covering his face while he says something in his hands.

He removes his hands from his face. “You came here to trash me, didn't you?” He's mad now. “To get me to stop ruling, huh? Well I'd watch yourself, Styles. I sent you to the wastelands of America for a reason. To get you away from the spotlight and to get you out of my life.” He pushes past me and leaves to another door.

“Guards, make them leave.” He says before exiting the room. Gemma runs after him when the door shuts. Guards come from the entrance we came from and surround us. Ellie stands next to me and eyes the door Zayn left to. She wouldn't.

Ellie runs to the door and the guards bring their guns out to fire. Bryce tries to get one of the guard's guns while Drew runs to protect Ellie. I stand in place and watch them do their thing, considering they've had more expirence than me.

Bryce gets the gun from the guard and shoots him. He falls to the ground and Bryce runs to protect his sister. A guard shoots at them and it misses Ellie by an inch. I glare at them and run behind the guards and trip them. They fall to the ground and I manage to retrieve their weapons. I aim it at them on the floor while everyone else tries opening the door. Ellie bangs at the door and starts sobbing. Bryce and Drew glance at each other.

“What do we do now?”


uh hi

it's me.. the author

i hoped you liked this chapter bc the next one will be awesome

it's almost over though. *sad face*

bye c:


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