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lol I'm doing slow updates

"Are we there yet?" Harper and Harry whined. This might have been the 27th time they've asked me this. "No, now can I concentrate on flying this plane before we crash?" I replied. They complained and went back their seats. I sighed and looked over at Bryce who was focused on flying, also.

"Bryce." No answer.

"Bryce." Nothing.

"BRYCE!" I almost yelled. "Do you want me to fly this plane or not." he greeted back. I huffed and put the settings on auto pilot. Screw trying to get his attention.

I walked to the passenger's quarters and saw Stephanie sitting on top of Harper. "Really you two?! Again?" I scolded them. They snickered and I glared at them. Drew glanced at me and so did Harry. "Why aren't you flying the plane?" Drew asked. "Because I didn't feel like it." I replied. He studied my face and looked back at whatever he was doing. "What're you guys even doing?"

"Just playing cards.." Harry answered. Drew looked up at Harry and scoffed. "Liar. You're looking up naked pictures on your phone. I saw you." My jaw dropped and Harry paled. "I'm not even going to ask. Now, if you excuse me, I will be heading back to go and fly this plane." I started walking away from them. "Wait, Ellie!" Harry called. I turned around and his face went red. "Yes, Styles?"

"I-er uh, um, n-nevermind I, uh, you can g-go now." He gulped. I looked at him like he was psychotic and headed in the same direction I was going.

What was that all about?

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