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omg I suck at writing this story who wants it

It had been about 2 hours since we've been walking. My feet were aching, but I don't know about everyone else.

"My feet hurt," Harry whines, and Drew shakes his head. "And it's a million degrees here."

"We're in Europe. It doesn't usually get that torrid here." Jackie comments. "Either way, aren't you a native here? You should be adapted the weather by now."

He shrugs. "I just remember waking up in the field near your lodge."

"Do you even have a proposal as to maybe why you ended up there?" I ask. He tilts his head and looks off into space.

"I think so..." He trails off. I sigh and stop walking for a moment. I rest my hands on my knees and look at the gravel pavement below us. Everyone else stops walking. I wouldn't blame them, really. Harry is right. It is boiling here.

"When was the last time you were in England, Harry?" I ask him.

"Zayn's funeral." He replies.

"I know that, moron." I shake my head. "I mean, when was that?"

"Oh," He says, looking down. "About four or five years ago." He looks up at me. "Why?"

"That was before the war." Bryce whispers to himself, but I'm predicting everyone heard him. I nod at his answer.

I stand up straight. "Yes, so that means it's been this way for five years. The United Kingdom and countries surrounding it haven't seen the rain or sunlight for some time now. They've only seen the sky full of clouds of smoke and toxins." I look at Harry. "That also means that some of the people you grew up with probably didn't survive with living in these types of conditions and passed on, or they're working as slaves Satan." His breath hitches, I could tell.

"Don't speak of my best friend like that." He glares at me. I face him and take a step towards him.

"If you didn't know already, Styles, but your 'best friend' killed our parents." I tell him, referring to me and Bryce. "He ruined this planet, killed off my country, and broke the peace between the goverments and rekationships." He gulps."Got anything else to add for defense against him?"

"I-" He was about to start until I put my hand up to stop him. "Don't." I cross my arms and start walking towards our destination. I was now leading the group and Bryce stands by my side the way there.

I still can't believe I have to protect him..

Drew's POV (omg finallY)

I'm extremely happy I'm not in Harry's position right now. The only thing I hate about him is he has charm. Yes, even I could identify that. Also, I had to sit next to Stephanie during her screaming session.

Jackie predicted we had about 8 more miles to walk, which was probably nothing for us. Harry groaned and I laughed. Ellie and Bryce didn't seem to care. They were probably still infuriated with the cheeky bastard.

"Look." Harper says and we gape at the big clock tower in front of us.

"It's beautiful." I hear Ellie say. Harry looks at her and looks down.

"And big." I add.

"Big Ben." Harry says quietly, picking his head back up again.

"Do you know any history from it, Harry?" Jackie asks. Harry glances at her.

"Not really. I didn't pay much attention to the historic sites in Europe." He says with a small smile. Ellie rolls her eyes.

"Well, we better hurry and get over there." Bryce says, clearing his throat. The tension is strong, even though we're outside.

"The emperor is there." I hear Stephanie say.

Please don't let them kill Zayn.


i think i'll write this story more often :)

double update maybe??

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