Chapter 1

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I was running down the driveway from the barn, heading to my car to see my Mom, Mary Drake, when Jason came out of his house. Jason recently moved in next door with his fiancé Molly. "Spence!". I turned to my right and started walking towards Jason. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much, I was just going to get the mail when I saw you. Why are you in such a rush?" he asked me, slightly squinting his eyes. "I was just on my way to see Mary Drake." I answered his question with a smile. His eyebrows immediately lowered in a disapproving look, "No, Spence you can't go anywhere near that lady, she's dangerous.", "That lady, is my mom Jason!" I shot back, getting angry. "No, Veronica Hastings, the women who raised you, is your mom, 'that lady', is a psychopath that gave birth to you and killed my mom" Jason shot back taking a step closer, "Well it's not like you had the best mom anyways, she buried your sister alive!" I fought back. 

"What's going on out here? I thought I heard shouting." Molly asked with a small smile, opening the front door to Jason's house. "Nothing, Jason and I were just arguing over who's better at sports, it's obviously me" I replied before Jason could. I quickly waved goodbye and started running to my car, looking back at Jason once, to see him shaking his head, clearly not over our little conversation. Once I got in my car, I couldn't help but feel a small triumph for getting in the last word.

I started to drive my car down the road while thinking. Jason and I really do love each other, we're just always arguing over stuff. He's too protective and I'm too nosy I guess. We're always disagreeing on stuff, no matter how big or small. Maybe I'm too hard headed, I mean, Melissa and I don't get along either, but once that last thought popped in my head, I brushed it off my shoulder and started singing along to the song, softly playing on the radio.

'Knock-Knock-Knock'. "Spencer!" Mary joyfully shouted when she opened the door, "I'm so glad to see you." "Same, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch?" I asked, stepping into the small foyer of her small, pale yellow house. "Of course, just let me get my purse" she happily replied heading into the kitchen, me following. "How have you been, I haven't been up in a while?" I asked, "I've been good, I went to see Alex for the first time since the incident, she asked about you." my mom replied, stopping in her tracks to turn to see my reaction to her words. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, "Great", I said sarcastically.

We were eating lunch at Panera when Toby walked up to our table, "Hey, what are you guys up to?" Toby asked. "Just talking. What are you doing out here?" I asked as Toby pulled a chair up next to Mary Drake, sitting across from me. Mary Drake thought Toby was lovely, while my other parents still thought he was trouble. "The truth?" he asked, hoping I would disagree with the suggestion, "Yes" I replied confidently. Toby signed before looking up at me, pointing his eyebrows towards Mary Drake, and then looking back at me, "I'll go use the restroom real quick", my mom said, noticing Toby's gesture. 

"Jason" Toby replied, I rolled my eyes and looked back at him for more, "I went to the barn to find you, but Jason stopped me and told me not to bother, he then went on to tell me that you went out to lunch with Mary, and told me to bring you back home so you two could talk. Now I have no intensions on bringing you home to settle one of your many arguments with Jason, but I also had no intensions in making your brother upset, so I decided to come and join you for lunch." I rolled my eyes again and shook my head in disbelief, "I can't believe him, he is the MOST annoying person in the world!" I shouted. Silence fell at the table for a few seconds before my mom returned. "So, what were you saying about Alex?"

================At Mary Drake's House===============

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mary Drake asked, "Yes, pweeeeaaaasssseeee?" I asked with a puppy dog face. "Spencer, you know your parents would not approve of you moving in with me, they barely approve of you sleeping here for one night." she argued with me. "I'm 24, they don't have any say over where I live anymore" I replied, "Please, mommy?" I asked, resting my head on her chest and looking up at her with my very best puppy dog face. "Fine" she gave in, "But you're working it all out with them, not me." "YES" I shouted, laying my head in her lap, victory flowing through my veins. Now all I had to do was tell my parents...

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