Chapter 11

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This can not be happening. How does this always happen? I internally shouted. Alex. She locked me in this stupid (Tea Time Room), and is going to leave me here. I'm sure of it. She took my ring, and painted her fingernails the exact same shade of pink mine were. She'll trick them all. She also took off my nail polish, making me seem just like her. Toby was right. They were all right. I was so foolish to have thought she could change. She's a monster, truly.

I began looking around the room. There were pictures on the little stand in the back of the room. Pictures that anyone would have thought were me and my friends, but I have no memory of those moments, meaning Alex was pretending to be me. I wonder what she's said playing me, things I would never say. I began to shift to my right, still looking around. I saw some pictures of Toby, Jason, my friends, and other family members. I kept looking, and found a phone, A PHONE! I picked it up and I have no clue how, but in this room, I had service. I took out the phone, but didn't know who to call.

Eventually I decided to call Jason, and told him to bring his gun, just in case.

***Alex's POV***

"Toby!" I yelled, running down the hall. His face lit up as he ran toward me. He grabbed my hand and looked down. He then, saw the ring, along with the light pink nail polish. This was going to be easy. "Spencer" he whispered. "I'm so glad you're back. I was so nervous. I should have trusted you when you said Alex wouldn't hurt you" he said, before giving me a passionate kiss, but it was cut short when Aria awkwardly coughed. I pulled away from Toby's lips, and looked down, a big smile spread out on my lips. This was too easy. "So what did she say?" they all asked at the same time.

"Nothing really. She just wanted to talk. We were talking about the past and what not. Pretty much she wants us to do whatever she says, and then she'll let us go, or at least thats what she said. I don't trust her that much yet. Lets just wait, and if she earns our trust we'll listen." I said. Great. Obviously Spencer will keep trying to get them to believe it's her, but they'll all believe it's me playing her. That way, they'll never trust her, and I can lead them out of here playing Spencer for the rest of my life, and no one will stop me, because I'm in charge.

We were on our way to Spencer's room, getting ready to let out my mum. "Mom?" I asked, knocking on the door. "Spencer?" she asked, "It's me" I responded. "Spencer!" she yelled. "I'm so glad you made it back. I really didn't think Alex would let you out of that room. Spencer, I promise, when we get out of here, I'll send Alex away. I promise" she said through the door. As hurtful as that is to hear, it's great. When we get out, they'll send Spencer away. Far far away. "Thank you" I said. I pulled the key that goes to all of the bedrooms out of my pocket, and put it into the lock. "How did you get that?" Aria asked as I unlocked the door. "It was on the table, so I took them when Alex wasn't looking" I told them, as the door opened.

My mum ran out of the room and threw her arms around me, stroking my hair. I pulled back, knowing Spencer wouldn't have just stood their, letting her stroke her hair, but it pained me, as my mum, or anyone, has never hugged me like that before. "Hey" I said, taking a step back as Toby wrapped his arm around me. My mom smiled and I turned to Aria, "What should we do next?" I asked. "Find a way out" Ezra answered for her. "K"

We began walking down the long, dark hallway. I'm so proud of my sister for creating this place. It's so intriguing. I knew the way out perfectly, but I had no interest in leading them out yet, so I decided to turn towards the right, leading everyone away from the exit. We came upon another split in the hallway, when a voice came on the speaker.

***Spencer's POV***

I continued to look around the room after calling Jason, having nothing better to do. There wasn't anything interesting, so I began looking through the phone. I then went to the contacts and found a contact labeled (SPEAKER). I clicked on it and there were two choices . (Your voice), and (Edited voice). I clicked the button that said edited voice, and the normal screen that you get when someone's on the phone came up, never ringing, it was already answered. I spoke into it, and realized my words in a different voice came out of the speakers throughout this insane dollhouse. "Report to the Tea Time room, for some chatter." I spoke. Knowing that Alex is playing me, I knew she would come. "Everyone" I clarified before hanging up the phone. The door is locked so that I can't get out, but it will be unlocked from the outside.

After 5 minutes everyone came into the room. "Toby" I breathed out, when he entered after everyone else. He put his arm around Alex, and gave me an awful look, a look of hatred. I sighed, remembering that Alex looks exactly like I did when I left them. I sat down and they all followed. What could I possibly do, other than play the enemy. "Fine" I said. I walked towards the door, locking us all in, knowing Jason already knows how to get to this exact room. I gave him instructions. "If you're all going to look at me as the bad guy, I'll just have to play it, because nothing I do will convince you otherwise, so lets play a game. How much does Alex know" 

I've asked a million questions I thought only I would know, but Alex knew the answer to all of them. "What's the poem?" Toby asked. Yes. I was getting to him. I opened my mouth to answer, a huge smile on my face, when Alex began speaking the poem, every word perfect. You've got to be kidding me. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I yelled walking towards Alex. My hands were around her neck, not squeezing it. My mom's face was terrified. She didn't want Alex to hurt Spencer. Little did she know she was hurting Spencer herself, by not listening. Aria and Ezra's eyes were wide with fear, but when I looked to Toby I jumped back in fear, letting go of Alex. He jumped out of his chair as my eyes settled on him, his gun pointed at me. Shoot, you've got to be kidding me. I backed up, pleading him to put it down, but he didn't listen. "Let us go, and I won't shoot you" he demanded. "I CAN'T!!!" I shouted in a desperate voice, falling to the floor, tears streaming down my face. Toby took a step closer, and I curled up in a ball. "Shoot me, do it. It'll be better than watching you walk away with her, since she can get you out. Just know, that in 8 months, when you don't have a baby, it'll kill you to know you killed your fiancé, and walked away with the psychopath" I said, lifting my head to look him straight in his eyes at the end. He loosened his grip on his gun, looking torn apart, when Jason came storming in the room. I ran to him and he engulfed me in a hug, when a gun shot went off...

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