Chapter 8

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"Spencer! That's amazing!" Toby yelled, giving me a big hug and a thousand little kisses. I laughed and looked over to Mary to see her smiling at me, "Congratulation." "Well why don't we go back in and tell everyone?" Toby asked. Overflowing with joy and pride. I smiled. "Ok, but someone has to find my dad first." I replied, wanting him to hear the news with everyone else. "I'll do it, congratulation" Jason said, coming in from the door way and giving me a hug. "Thank you"

"Alright everyone, we have an announcement to make" Toby said, standing up from his seat, a smile bigger than I've ever seen. I stood up with him and he walked towards me, putting his arm around my waist. We locked eyes, and at the same time gave our great news, "We're having a baby!" Everyone cheered except for Alex. She was mumbling something, but I was too happy in all of the excitement to pay any attention to her.

Everyone congratulated us and gave many hugs. "Thank you" I said as the last person left the restaurant. Toby turned to me and gave me a hug, "I can't believe it. We're going to have a baby" he whispered into my ear. I smiled against his chest and held on tighter. "I love you" I said, looking up at him, "I love you more" he said, placing a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.

We got home and Toby was in the shower when I decided I NEEDED Oreos. The only down side, was that they were in the top shelf of the kitchen. I stood up from the couch and laughed when I heard Toby singing in the shower. I love him so much. I continued to walk towards the kitchen and then stood there, analyzing how I was going to get them. I finally decided to do some ninja moves, and climb up on the counter.

I jumped up onto the counter and was in the middle of leaning my head back so that I could open the cupboard when Toby walked into the room, a single, white towel wrapped around his bottom half, nothing on top. He gave me a disapproving look, water dripping down his face from his hair, and I turned back to my work. "Spencer!" Toby yelled. I turned to look at him and gave him a confused look. "Am I not allowed to eat Oreos?" I asked. He came up to me and picked me up off the counter, carrying me like a sack of potatoes all the way to the couch. "HEY!" I whined. "Spencer, you're pregnant" he told me. "Yes I'm aware, thank you captain obvious" I responded. "So, you can't be climbing counters like a ninja" he replied, walking to the kitchen and easily getting the Oreos before handing them to me. I rolled my eyes, "Toby, I'm pregnant, not sick. I'm fine." I told him, shoving an Oreo into my mouth. Mmmmmm. So. Good. Toby walked up to me and spoke, "Next time, just use a stool. Or better yet, wait for me." he said sternly. "You make it so hard, to be a modern post feminist when you get all alpha male." I told him, trying my best to make a fierce face, "Why, you want me to stop?" he asked with a grin. "No" I smiled, kissing him.

We were eating chinese food when Toby got a call. "I have to go" Toby said standing up, "Work" he specified before kissing me on the cheek.

I decided to go to my parents house so that I didn't have to sit at home all alone. I got in the car and began driving when I saw some people walking along the road. I thought about giving them a ride for a split second, but if I've learned anything from my past experiences, it's not to trust someone you don't know. So I kept on driving.

I got to my parents house and my mom ran up to me. "Spencer! What a surprise!" she yelled as I got out of my car. Melissa came inside from the barn, and for some reason, Jason, Molly, and Ellie came over. That never happens. My dad and Jason can be friendly, but last I knew, they didn't hang out with each other. We all ended up playing Apples to Apples, and I held Ellie on my lap. I had just won my 4th green card when I got a call. I answered and it was Rob, someone who works with Toby. (Hey, Spence, Toby got shot. He's in the hospital now. It's pretty bad) he told me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I processed his words. (I'm on my way) I replied. I hung up the phone and handed Ellie to Molly. "I gotta go, Toby's in the hospital. He got shot." I said rushing to the door. "I'll drive you." Jason stated, picking up his phone and keys before following me out the door.

Silence. The whole entire car ride was silent, yet all I wanted was the noise to stop. I couldn't stop thinking. Thoughts going a thousand miles per hour in my head. "Spence..." "Don't." I just wanted to get to Toby. And whatever Jason had to say wouldn't help. "Spence, we're there" he responded. Oh. I got out of the car and began to walk towards the hospital. Jason right beside me. A nurse told us to go to the 5th floor. So we got in the elevator, and a few more tears slipped down my cheek. Little did I know there would be a lot of noise when those doors opened.

They opened and Jason walked beside me. People were yelling and sirens were going off. That's when I saw Toby, lying in a bed being rushed towards a door that read EMERGENCY. "TOBY!" I screamed, trying to run to him. Jason held me back. "SPENCER! STOP!" he yelled at me. I continued to fight, trying everything I could to break free of his grip, but when I did, Toby was already on the other side of the doors. I fell to the ground and Jason sat with me, holding onto me as I soaked his shirt.

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