Chapter 6

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"That's enough Peter!" my mom shouted as she sat up next to me. "No wonder Spencer was so desperate to leave!" she shouted. Both of my parents were stunned by her words. "Come on Spencer" my mom said. We both got up from my bed, still wearing the same clothes we were wearing yesterday, and walked past my parents, down the stairs, and to her car.

"They are not going to be very happy with you" I told her once we got in the car. She turned to face me, "Spencer, I'm so sorry, but you can not stay here" she said, gesturing towards the house. I nodded my head. "Should I stay with Jason?" I asked, "No, just come home with me. If you truly hate it, then you can go stay with Jason until your wedding." "OK"

We were in the parking lot to the sanitarium where we would be picking up Alex when I took a deep breath. "Thank You" my mom said as she put her hand on my knee. Here goes nothing. "Mary Drake, here to pick up Alex Drake" my mom said to the worker behind the counter. A door next to the counter made a beeping noise before it opened, and behind it was Alex.

We got in the car, and I decided to let Alex sit in the front seat. I haven't said a single word since we picked her up. "So mum, are we going to drop Spencer off before we go home?" Alex asked mom. I sighed. This is gonna be fun. "No Alex, we're not. Spencer lives with me. Or at least for another 2 months she does." my mom responded, careful of Alex's response. "What's in 2 months?" Alex asked. I sighed again, oh boy. "Alex, Spencer is getting married to Toby in 2 months." "What!?!" Alex yelled. Wow, it's going to be sooooo fun living with her for the next two months... NOT. "That can't be right, Toby was in love with me. I could see it in his eyes." She complained. "Alex, I've told you this before, Toby was and is, in love with Spencer. You tricking him into thinking you're Spencer isn't right." My mom replied. 5 minutes and you can already tell I'm the favorite child. Yes. "Ugh, I hate you Spencer" Alex pouted. Seriously, how is this well enough to come home? She's crazy!

We got home after an hour and mom showed Alex around the house. She also told her she would be sleeping on the couch, and she wasn't too happy. "You can stay in my bedroom Alex, I'll stay on the couch" I told her, trying my best to get her to stop complaining. "Thank you" Alex said with a grin on her face as she tilted her head. "Alright Alex, why don't you go upstairs and get settled in." My mom said. Alex listened and began walking up the stairs. Sigh. I plopped on the couch, lying on my back and closing my eyes. "Thank you Spencer" my mom said, sitting at the end of the couch, lifting my feet and placing them in her lap. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I felt so bad. She already looked tired and she hasn't even been with Alex half a day yet.  "You're really going to sleep on the couch?" Mom asked me, looking at me with a sad smile. I shrugged, "I don't know where I'm gonna sleep." I replied, not thinking. I told her I would try my best. "I mean, I guess I'll have to for now." I laughed joylessly.

I decided to go visit Toby for lunch. "Hey I'll be back a little later." I yelled from the living room. "Alright, have fun!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Alex asked running down the stairs. "Crazy" I responded, not wanting to set her off by telling her I'm leaving to see Toby. "You're going to see Toby." She stated, raising her eyebrows. I sighed before nodding my head. "Can I come?" "No" my mom shouted from the kitchen before I could respond. "Shut up Mum!" Alex yelled back. I raised my eyebrows and walked towards the door. "Love you mom!" I shouted, and got in my car.

"Hey, how's it going?" Toby asked once I got to his cabin. "Well, I think it's safe to say that Alex is secretly a five year old." I responded shaking my head with a smile. "You wanna go horse back riding?" I asked, turning to face Toby. He smiled big. "I'd love to" he replied

We got to the stables and I took Bashful out of his pen. "Are you sure he's stable enough to ride?" Toby asked me with a worried look on his face. "I'm positive Toby, I've ridden him before" I replied with a smile on my face. While I saddled up Bashful, Toby got Shoes saddled up. "Ready?" Toby asked as rode his horse next to mine. "More than ever" I replied, and began to gallop past the trees into a field when all the sudden miniature fireworks began to go off.

Bashful began to freak out and I tried my best to calm him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Toby jump off of his horse and come running towards me. Another big firework went off and Bashful threw me off his back onto the ground. "Ahh!" I yelled out in pain. I didn't think I broke anything, but I hurt really bad. Bashful ran off somewhere, and Toby rushed to my side.  "Spencer! Are you ok?" Toby asked at my side, holding my head up with his hands. I slowly nodded my head when someone came out of the bushes. "Hello sister"  Alex said walking towards me. "You crazy bitc....ahh" I cried out, that hurt. Alex smiled at my misery and began to walk towards us.  Toby picked me up and set me on his horse. My ankle hurt really bad. "Back off Alex" Toby said before walking his horse to the stables.

He placed me in the car when Alex spoke up, "So you're just going to leave me here?" She asked with her stupid accent. " Toby looked at me and I shrugged. "Get in the back and don't talk, we'll drop you off home." Toby responded pointing to the backseat.

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