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"Ella! Ethan! Come help me make desert!" I yelled from the kitchen. I heard little foot steps running along the floorboards above me, before my two loving, adorable children stood before me. "Who wants to make chocolate chip cookies?" I asked. My daughter jumped up and down in joy, the ruffles of her dress moving through the air, and after a few moments, her twin brother joined in before they both screamed in unison, "ME!" The two children ran into the kitchen and stood on their stools, ready to help.

30 minutes later, the door opened. "Daddy!" Ella yelled, running towards Toby. He picked her up and spun her in a circle, before setting her down and giving Ethan a hug. "Hey, I missed you guys" Toby told them, messing up their hair before standing up and walking towards me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before pulling away, "Mmmm, something smells REAL good" he said, stretching out the word real. "We were just making chocolate chip cookies!" Ella shouted. Toby smiled, his arm wrapped around my waist, when small, slow, footsteps came down the stairs. 

"Maisy!" Toby shouted, running towards our perfectly perfect 2 year old daughter, who must have just awoken from her nap. A smirk spread across her lips, and she put her arms up so that he would pick her up. Toby held her in his arms, and showered her with little kisses all over the place. Her long, dirty blonde ringlets were all over the place, but her crystal blue eyes were glued to her father's in awe. She was definitely a daddy's girl. Both her and Ella were, but Ethan was a mommy's boy. For sure.

Ella and Ethan both ran up to greet their little sister. "Hi widdle Maisie Baisey" Ethan mumbled. I laughed. Ever since she was born, that's what he called her, but not Ella, she thought Maisie was enough. Ethan looked just like Toby, Big blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair that had a little wave to it, but Ella, though she looked VERY similar to Toby, she had long, straight, dirty blonde hair, and freckles. 

We all ate dinner, and then decided to go to the park. I picked up Maisie, and carried her along the side walk. Ella was holding my free hand, and Toby held her other hand, while Ethan ran ahead walking the dog, or should I say, the dog walking Ethan.

We got to the playground, and Ella and Ethan played a game of tag, while Maisie played in the sand pit, Annabelle, our dog, sitting next to her, periodically licking Maisie's face as she sang a song. Toby and I sat on the bench, watching them, when another child appeared on the playground. The boy appeared to be around Maisie's age, with Dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes, cold blue eyes. I looked up and saw someone I didn't expect to see ever again. Memories flooded into my mind as I analyzed the person standing in front of me. Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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