My House?

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When they arrived at the club, Valkyrie hopped out of the car, and turned to give Saracen and Dexter hugs, and they held her close, welcoming her home.

Once they were all properly reintroduced, Valkyrie looked across the parking lot, just in time to see a sleek red convertible pull into a park and stop. Erskine got out, and caught her eye immediately and grinned.

She went weak at the knees.

She took in his casual appearance of a white shirt, a black leather jacket, skinny jeans and polished shoes. He walked over to her at a leisurely pace, not in any hurry and Valkyrie wanted to hit him so bad in that moment. And from the growing smug gleam in Ravel's golden eyes, he knew what he was putting her through.

He stopped right in front of her and his arms slid around her waist, to pull them flush together. He gave her a deep, lingering kiss that stopped her world, and didn't pull away until Skulduggery cleared his threat, a warning to the other man.

A warning that could possibly mean stay away from Valkyrie or die. But Ravel just pulled away, still grinning, not at all worried about the threat Skulduggery posed. "I think someone is getting a little jealous," he said softly into Valkyrie's ear.

"Well, now that everyone has greeted each other, I think we should head inside," Skulduggery said, ignoring Ravel's petty play at dominance as he stalked inside. Ravel just laughed, tucking Valkyrie under his shoulder and followed him inside, Saracen and Dexter trailing behind, also grinning like idiots.

Shudder and Ghastly arrived a little over ten minutes later, and Valkyrie hugged them both tightly. She sat between Erskine and Skulduggery, with Dexter and Saracen across from her, Ghastly sitting at the head of the table, between Skulduggery and Dexter.

Ravel's hand drew lazy circles on Valkyrie's thigh absentmindedly as they all looked through the menus. The waitress ordered their drinks, and walked off, giving a flirtatious smile at Ravel that he bluntly ignored, his eyes trained to Valkyrie's face. She blushed under his gaze, and raised her eyes, catching the dark look on the waitress's face.

Valkyrie turned back to the table, and tried to strike up a conversation as Ravel's hand inched up her leg. "So, Shudder, how's the hotel?"

He looked up at her. His hair had grown back a bit since her cut it for the war, the salt and pepper locks now brushing his shoulders. "I gave it to someone else, actually. I have retired."

"Ah, you old man," Dexter laughed.

"Oh, well," Shudder shrugged, "worrying about the Remnants had started to give me grey hair."

They all continued to joke and jab at Shudder, when Valkyrie was struck with an idea. It was probably going to be shut down but it was worth a shot.

"Why doesn't everyone move in with me? We could like, all be roomies."

Skulduggery was the first to speak, "Valkyrie, I have spent millions renovating my house for you. I am not letting that money go to waste."

Valkyrie rolled her eyes, "you don't have to sell it. Besides people could be able to go there when they need a break or something, I don't know. And besides, money doesn't mean anything to a person like you. Skulduggery, you have a Bentley, so shut up."

Saracen piqued up, "will there be enough rooms?"

"Oh shit yeah," Valkyrie nodded. "Besides people could share," she said waggling her eyebrows at him and Dexter.

"Sure," Erskine said, "sound like a plan?" Everyone nodded and Valkyrie grinned. The rest of the night was fun, full of jokes and insults and good food. By the time they were ready to go it was almost half past ten. They walked out into the cold crisp air, and Valkyrie shivered. Immediately Skulduggery shrugged out of his jacket, putting it around her shoulders.

She smiled at his, and strung her arms through the sleeves, pulling the collar close to her mouth, taking in Skulduggery's smell that had comforted her for the past ten years.

Everyone said their goodbyes and Valkyrie turned to her partner. "Skulduggery I'm going to stay at Ravel's tonight. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay, just be careful." He tilted his skull at her, and said loud enough for Ravel to hear, "hurt him if you need to, love."

She laughed, "I will."

She turned, walking with Ravel over to his car. She slid into the passenger seat, sinking into the leather that had already shaped to fit her body. It was almost an hour drive to Ravel's apartment but she didn't mind. Ravel grinned at her as he put down the roof and pulled out of the parking lot, one hand on the wheel the other gripping her thigh.

The wind whipped through her hair once they picked up speed on the highway and she rested her head against the rest and looked up at the sky, when she noticed that they were stopping. She looked over at Erskine as he pulled over to the side of the road. He then leaned over, unbuckled her belt and pulled her over the middle so she was sitting on her lap.

"You just looked so eatable, I can't help myself," before he pecked her mouth, and then he kissed down her jaw, sucking on her neck. She groaned and fisted her hands through his hair, pulling him closer.

He picked his head up, and smashed his lips to hers, his teeth nipping on her bottom lip, and sliding his tongue past her teeth. She gasped. He had never been so domineering with her before, but she had to admit, she wasn't about to start complaining.

"I don't like this," he grumbled and he pulled Skulduggery's coat off her. "Mine," he said softly, his hands rising under her shirt and unclasping her bra. "Let's get to my place, hmm?"

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