Skulduggery's Little Outbursts.

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Kate marched up the driveway, not bothering to turn to watch Ryan teleport away. She hid her case, and then knocked on the door, seeing a face she hadn't seen in the files. So, her first encounter with any of them, and it was Skulduggery Pleasant. She ran over the words that was on his page in her head, dangerous, cunning, smart, has facade (has changing faces), skeleton, may seem charming, makes you admit things you don't want to, takes compliments well, detective.

She smiled at him, "hello...?" When she got no name she shrugged, "hey, um is this Grimwood House? Is Valkyrie Cain in?" 

"Do you know me?" His voice was calm, holding no traits of hostility as he assessed her face. 

"Um, well, I don't recognise you but there is only one other with a voice like that." She smiled again, and he nodded seemingly satisfied, and leaned back to holler out Valkyrie's name, without a second glance at her, he walked away. Valkyrie appeared a minute later, he breath laboured and her cheeks flushed, a dog walking around her ankles. 

"Xena, go." She said pointing to the living room. 

Kate watched her one word ringing through her head. 


 Kate took in her dark hair, even darker eyes, sharp cheek bones, and strong arm. Valkyrie Cain smiled questioningly at Kate, and a dimple appeared in her left cheek. Kate tried not to be baffled by the beauty standing in front of her. She read and reread the files. She knew what these people were capable of, what they had already done. Every person in this house knew how to kill quietly and sufficiently, no matter how stunning they all looked. 

"Hey, how can I help you?"

Kate coughed, snapping out of her trance, "of course, sorry." She smiled sheepishly, "Is this Grimwood, are you Valkyrie?"

Valkyrie nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "it is, I am. Who is asking?"

"My name is Kate Selioz, and I couldn't find out where Roarhaven was, and I was near Haggard when I remembered that you lived not far from there. I, uh, need some sanctuary. My parents were just murdered, and the people who did it, they're after me."

She watched her eyebrows rise, and she stepped back, "you're welcome here for as long as you need." She opened the door wider, "well, Kate, welcome to Mayhem. Go upstairs, and pick one of the rooms on the left, then come down and meet us through that door, into the kitchen. I'll introduce you to the rest of the Dead Men, and you can tell us more thoroughly what happened."

She smiled, and disappeared through said door. A minute later, the man from before came out. "I am the great and powerful, Skulduggery Pleasant!" He scowled at her, "and apparently to Valkyrie I'm nothing but a servant. Come this way." He turned, leading her upstairs, "All these rooms are empty, pick one. I don't care which, and meet us downstairs." He glared at her harder, and trudged down the stairs, deactivating the facade as he went.

God, she thought to herself, this is going to be great.


Valkyrie came out and looked at Skulduggery as he made his way down, "Why can't you just be nice."

Skulduggery cocked his head, "I was very nice; I didn't hit her once."

She sighed, punching him lightly in the arm, and he feigned hurt as they walked back into the kitchen. Skulduggery stopped next to Ghastly, but Valkyrie kept walking, making her way over to Ravel, who leaned against the counter. He wrapped an arm around her, and kissed her hairline.  

"So," Shudder started, "thoughts on the new girl?"

"She's hot and I love her." Dexter stated.

"Even though I'm gonna bed her first." Saracen challenged and they shook hands, completing the bet.

Shudder glared, "you guys know sexually transmitted diseases are a thing, right?" 

Dexter grinned and Saracen just shrugged. Skulduggery raised his head into their direction, "I think we should be wary. We know nothing of her, and her last name sounds delightfully made up. We don't know what she is capable of. Also, we should protect Valkyrie; she could be another person ready to unleash Darquesse again."

"Skulduggery, you know not everything wants to harm me, or have me harm them." Valkyrie said, aware of Ravel's lips on her neck, and as he pulled her against him, she became very aware of the erection, poking against her back. 


He stormed out of the kitchen and Ghastly hurried out after him.

Shudder death glared Ravel before walking out the door, Dexter and Saracen gave him the hurt-her-and-I-will-kill-you look before following Shudder.

Valkyrie swirled in Ravel's arms, to find his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You find that funny?" She snapped, always on Skulduggery's side, even if his outburst was a little sudden. 

"I do. I find it very funny. I never knew Skulduggery was jealous. Now I do. Do what you do best, now there is a good girl, Valkyrie. Go comfort your almost lover." 

His face was suddenly dark and twister and Valkyrie shrugged out of his hold, "I will. You're an asshat, and when you're ready to be an adult about this, you know where to find me." 


"You're him," she said, her back against the wall. She was in the middle of unpacking her things into the empty cupboard, when she'd heard yelling from downstairs. Once she had opened the door, she saw him coming up the stairs. Once he spoke, she knew him immediately.

He had backed her into her room, and now he caged her in, his arms beside her head. "You would betray your friends like this?" She asked, her voice small. 

"They are not my friends; not anymore." One of his hands came up to stroke her cheek, "do not worry about the sacrifices I need to make. I understand that they must be done, no matter the consequence. Valkyrie and Skulduggery don't have a clue, so get this plan moving. I want to be out of here by tomorrow afternoon." 

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