0.9 | Lydia (Edited)

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(Kennedy on left and Lydia on right)

Thursday Morning

"He's arriving tomorrow?" Jasmine asked with a small frown. Every time I talked about Aiden she'd be in a foul mood.

I have to talk to her about it later.

I nodded smiling widely, "Yeah, I'm meeting him at Joe's place after school. Which reminds me, you should all come."

Audrey looked confused, "Where is he staying?" She asked.

"At my house. I mean, I have extra rooms I rarely use." And if anything, he can sleep with me.

"Thank God we only have two more days left till winter break." Kennedy said excitedly.

"Maybe we could do something?" I suggested with a shrug.

My best friends nodded, and the warning bell for first period rang and we parted ways saying a quick 'see ya'. When I walked towards my classroom, like usual, there were whispers and fingers pointed my way. It honestly bugged me how these people just listened to stupid rumors that go about every week. They don't even know me.

"Hey Lydia." A voice said as they walked beside me.

"Chase." I nodded in acknowledgment to the arrogant boy. "You have lipstick on your face." I pointed out.

He reached to wipe his lip which actually has smeared pink colored lipstick on it. "Fuck." He muttered to himself.

"I wasn't supposed to see that?" I smirked. "Don't worry, I know about your player ways, Reynolds. And frankly, I don't give a damn." I said walking into class.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Lots of homework I'll be putting off till after New Years. I'm just glad this week is almost over and I can see my best friend again!

Speaking of Aiden, he just sent a text

[Aiden] Ik we usually talk at night but I can't wait till tomorrow😆

[Lydia] same. You're gonna meet all my friends

[Aiden] all zero of them?! I'm so honored🤴

[Lydia] bitch I have friends🖕

[Aiden] u don't need them when I'm all yours baby😘😏💦

[Lydia] 😂😏 gotcha. I've gtg but I'll call u 2nite😘❤️

[Aiden] okay❤️❤️

I finally arrived at my car where my other best friends were patiently waiting for me.

"God can you walk any slower?! My grandma walks faster than you and she's in a wheelchair!" Kennedy shouted at me as she sat on top of the hood. Jasmine stood next to her.

I just laughed and shoved her off of my car, "No one sits on my baby's hood." Ken rolled her eyes as she took shotgun and Jasmine had to sit in the back with a pout. Audrey is leaving with Jack.

*wiggles eyebrows*

"It's okay Jasmine. Maybe when your old enough you can sit in the big girls seat." Kennedy teased the blonde beauty.

Though she wasn't amused, "We're the same age." She spoke flatly.

"But!" Ken pointed a finger up at the air in a extra way, "I'm three months older than you child!" She mocks and she gets settled into place.

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