1.2 | Audrey (Edited)

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I'm just letting everyone know that the pictures above will be pictures Audrey took unless it says otherwise.

Anyways, enjoy!

☕️The Same Morning️☕️

It was getting cold. Like I didn't expect it to be this cold outside.

After Francis had dropped me and Jack at his place, I decided to get dressed and went for a late morning jog. And its freezing. I don't get it, just earlier it wasn't cold.

Get your act together Mother Nature.

"Oh c'mon!" I shouted angrily as the wind blew harder against me. I quickly jogged back to the house and breathed in a breath of relief when the warmness hit my freezing skin.

"Fuck, it's cold." I shivered to myself as I took off my shoes.

"Well, what do you expect? It's almost the end of December." Jacks voice rang through the entryway of the house. I looked up and saw him with his arms crossed over each other, his body leaning on the doorframe that leads into the actual house. He was wearing different clothing from earlier.

"I hate when it gets cold." I spoke, moving past him into the kitchen to put a pot of water to boil for tea.

"Well, the information I'm about to give you is going to make you want to kill mother nature herself." He said as he took a seat on the island counter.

I raised an eyebrow, "And what is that?" I asked.

"Our heater in the guest bedroom is broken." He said.

"Wait, so I'm going to freeze to death every morning?"

He rolled his eyes at my dramatics, "My mother said to me to tell you, you can sleep either in my room with me, or on the couch by yourself."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Your mother told you that?"

"Well, I suggested it." He shrugged.

I chuckled, "I'll think about it." I teased and turned around once the pot started screaming bloody murder.

Hands made their way onto my waist as I was making tea, making me jump a bit. I'm pretty sure it's Jack because who else would it be?

His breath hit the back of my neck, making the hairs stand on end. The butterflies in my stomach weren't helping either. "May I help you?" I asked, not turning around but continued to work on my tea.

He leaned it closer so that our bodies were touching, "Can I get a cup too please?" He said and moved completely away from me.

I scoffed, "Tease." I muttered. He just laughed and kissed my cheek before saying he'll meet me in the living room.

After I fixed the two cups of tea, I brought them on a tray, along with some chips and snacks, and set them on the coffee table.

Ha ha, tea on a coffee table.

"Blankets and the lights dimmed low? If I didn't know any better, I would've thought this is some sort of date." I said as I saw Jack with blankets on the couch and movies lay-ing in front of us.

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