1. Cafe Encounter

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Alaya's P.o.v

"I would love to know why you just want to ship me off to Cuba for no reason, Darren!! I screamed at my boss.

I really, honestly, truly don't want to go to Cuba.. Darren thinks it'll be an "amazing experience for me and the company." Are you fucking kidding me. Nobody wants to go to a whole different country, away from their own home for 6 months. The only reason im even considering this is because I'm getting paid a solid $100,000, when I return.

"Alaya take it easy, it'll be like a vacation." Darren said calmly. I let out a loud breath and dug my nails into his desk. "Not really, if I still have to think about this fucking job, its not a vacation." I released my death grip on the desk. "Besides, why me? Why couldn't you send someone else? Darren rubbed his hands down his face in frustration.

"Because your our best doctor and you know this, Alaya."

That didn't make since to me at all, if im the best doctor... Shouldn't I be here?

"That makes zero since to me, but you know what, I don't even care anymore. I'll go to the stupid cube place. Fuck it." I say storming out of his office.

I was already hella frustrated, Because these heels were killing me. I'm just glad my shift was over, might as well go and enjoy my fucking house before I'm away from it for 6 months. I rolled my eyes at the thought of going to Cuba, I don't really have friends.. Except for one, her name is Jazlyn, she's been my friend since like third grade, before then we hated each other. So I really have no reason to stay here I guess.

I take off my heels and make my way to my office to get my things, Since I'm off the clock, I could honestly give zero fu-

"O-M-G, Alaya is that you?

I recognized that loud shrieking anywhere. I turned around and met eyes with my sister.

"Hello Brianna." I say bluntly.

People often say me and Brianna look alike, I would deny it...but its true. We both have naturally curly black hair and brown eyes. The only difference is that I have a little more curves than her and I wear glasses. Brianna was kind of a wild child when we were little. She did things like get her nose pierced and bring boys to the house, when we were teens.

You know. Stuff that made my mom wanna kill her.

"How have you been? She asked me, while giving me a breath taking bear hug. "I've been fine, other than the fact that your boy toy is sending me to fucking Cuba on Sunday." I say giving an ugly smile.

Brianna and Darren have a weird thing going on, they mess around in his office sometimes... Its gross to hear.

"Cuba, that's where they say Tupac went." Brianna whispered in my ear. "Dude get over it. Tupac is dead." I say laughing. "Seriously, you have to let that go."

When we were teens, we always listened to Tupac. My sister was crushed when he was murdered, she refuses to believe he is dead.

"He's not dead Alaya, haven't you done your research? Brianna said in a serious tone. "As a psychiatrist, I have confirmed that you are crazy." I say patting her on the back, i went to go pack my things so I could get out of this fucking hell.

"Well I'm gonna go talk to Darren." Brianna walked towards his office. "Yea. "Talk". I mumbled to myself.

I always feel a since of freedom walking out of the work building, too bad I have to come back tomorrow.

Sunday, June 14

I get off the plane and welcome the air of Cuba into my lungs. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have worn work clothes on that flight. I'm wearing a powder pink pencil skirt with a white button down shirt and my tan heels.

My feet are fucking killing me. After exiting the airport I felt my heels sink into the sand.


I rolled my eyes and took them off. I tried calling a cab, the first 3 ignored me. Great trip so far. I could only hope that this hotel didnt look like complete shit.

I checked into my hotel and it didnt look half as bad as I imagined. It was actually kind of nice.

That didn't make me want to stay there though, after unpacking my things for about 2 hours, I decided to take a look around this sandy foreign land.

I walked around the island, heels and laptop in hand while glancing at a map ever so often.I finally stopped when I saw the cutest little cafe connected to a strip of other buildings. When I walked into the cafe, the smell of cinnamon filled my nose and made me hungry.

I knew I wasn't though so I ignored it. I sat down at one of the small tables and opened my laptop. I guess it wouldn't hurt to write on what I saw so far.

Someone came and sat in front of me. I ignored them, after a while I could feel the person staring at me though.

"Whatever you want, I'm not interested." I said bluntly without looking up from my laptop.

"Oh really, cause I think you'll be most interested in what you see, if you would only look away from the computer, gorgeous." Said a almost familiar voice.

I looked up from my laptop and was amazed by what- I mean who I saw...

Hey guys! I hope this first chapter was enough to get you interested. I just wanna start by saying Tupac is the love of my life, and his smile...man wish I was around when he was alive😔 ALSO, GO ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!

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