12. Awe hell naw

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Jada Pinkett's P.o.v
This chapter is dedicated to FandomLover11
Thanks for reading, commenting and voting no matter what😁💖

I was foreal stressed about this damn movie. Madagascar... Seriously? Who knew just doing a voice of a fucking animal could be so stressful. I was just getting home and it was already chaos.

"Jaden, you know you took that from my room! Willow screamed. I huffed and slammed the door, which caught everyone's attention. "Mom can you please tell her this is mine? Jaden said, calmly. 

I rubbed my temples and took the gold chain from his hands. "Its mine, I saw it in my room yesterday! Willow screamed. I held my hand up to silence her. "I don't care who's it is, because as of right now, its mine." I walked to the kitchen, kids whining behind me.

"Hey, how was work? Will greeted me with a kiss. "Good, why aren't you-"

"Controlling the kids, cause they're old enough to solve things on their own." Will sat at the table. "But their so loud." I rubbed my temples once more.

My phone started to ring, I took it out of my purse and hesitantly answered it. "Hello?

"Jada, Tupac... He got shot... You need to get down here! Afeni screamed into the phone. My heart dropped. "Is he okay? Is he alive? Will looked at me, concerned.

"He's, unresponsive.." She said, dryly. "Does Alaya know? When did this happen, I'm on my way to the airport right now."

"I'll explain when you get here." Afeni's panicked voice screeched. I hung up, I felt a lump in my throat. "What happened, everything cool? Will asked, getting up from the table.

"Its Pac, he got shot again, he's unresponsive, I have to go."

Alaya's P.o.v

"Yo, this plane ride dead as fuck. Somebody sing some Drake or sum." Jazlyn yelled out. "Shh, your so loud. " I covered her mouth.

Did I mention my mom and sister were highly upset when I told them I was moving to Cuba.. My mom said..

"I haven't spoke to you in a year and now you want to call me about moving to Cuba!

I dont even know why I told her, since me and Brianna turned like 17 she started acting like a bitch, and my sister said...

"Why, there's nothing there for you. You should stay with me, you could use a makeover."

I really wanted to smack her when she said that line, but I was already at the airport. "I'm sooooooo boredddd." Jazlyn let out a loud breath. By the way, she's never been on a plane.

I rubbed my hands down my face, at least we were only an hour away. My phone started to ring, it was Jada, we had become really cool since we met. Don't tell Pac, but lil Will pretty fine.

"Hey girlll, wassup."

"Alaya, I'm guessing you haven't heard.." She sounded stressed.

"What happened? Are you ok? I asked, concerned.

"I'm okay, but Tupac's not... He got shot 4 times, he's..  unresponsive." She sobbed on the phone.

I felt my heart drop and the warm tears take over my face. Jazlyn looked over at me. "Oh shit, what is it!

I couldn't speak, I started wheezing. Jazlyn took my phone. "Who is this?  After a few more minutes of jazlyn talking to Jada, she hung up and put my phone in my purse.

"Tupac will be fine, getting shot is nothing new to him,  I promise-" jazlyn stopped, I think she realized she couldnt promise that he would live, so she just gave me a tight hug instead.

After we got off the plane, Jazlyn told me to go straight to the hospital and she would take Care of the luggage.

Still crying, I waved for a cab...more like stood in the street until one stopped.  The ride always seems longer when your rushing. I was getting impatient and my leg was shaking uncontrollably.

"Ma'am are you okay? Anything i can do for you? The cab driver studied me, licking his lips. "Yea, your fucking job."

The cab came to a stop and I jumped out, forgetting to close my door. I ran as fast as I could to the front desk of the hospital.

"I'm um.. Here for Tupac Shakur.." I was a nervous wreck and could barely speak. "I'm sorry, only family members are aloud in his room. Name?  The nurse said calmly.

"Alaya Jones." I was still crying and I knew my mascara was all over my face.  "ma'am your not listed as a member of the family."

I took the pen the nurse was holding and snapped it in half. "I swear that this pen will be your neck if-"

"She's fine." Jada said to the nurse, coming around the corner. I ran to Jada and prepared to ask millions of questions.

"Ma'am I'm sorry! The nurse called out. I flicked her off and kept walking. I sped up so Jada would walk faster. "Is he gonna-"

"I dont know Lay, he was shot in the chest four times.. He just came out of surgery." Jada said bluntly. "How did you get to his room? your not in the family." I asked, still speed walking.

"Money takes you a long way."

When we got to Pac's hospital room, the sight made me cry even more. Tupac was lying there, lifeless. There was and older woman sitting at the end of his bed, sobbing and Dre was shaking his head in the corner of the quiet room, sekyiwa was crying by the window and snoop was in a chair in the other corner.

"Afeni, this is Alaya, Tupac's girlfriend. " Jada introduced me, I almost said 'I'm not his girlfriend.' But I let it go.

Afeni got up and walked towards me, extending a hand. I shook it. "I'm Tupac's mother." She said, her voice very low and sad. I smiled. "I wish we hadn't met this way."

Afeni nodded and walked towards the bed, I followed her and sat on the other end. I stared at Tupac for a long time. Why do bad things happen to such good people?

"Lay, can I talk to you for a second? Dre asked, grabbing my arm and yanking me up from the bed. "Sure."

I know What You guys are wondering. "HOw dID hE gEt SHoT wiTHouT pREsS tRyIng tO gEt IN tHE roOM or tHe nEWs taLKing abOut It? Well, in Cuba they welcome people who are trying to get away from their lives... So basically its an island of secrets, what happens on the island stay  on the island💀 😂VOTE!!

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