Son of Gondor (Boromir)

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Dedicated to the amazing and wonderful AeronSighWulf for being the best friend a person could ask for. Enjoy.

More often than not you and Boromir butted heads. You both had been called by Lord Elrond of Rivendell to come to a council but Boromir didn't want you to go in case you got hurt.
"Boromir! I will be fine. This will not be the first time I have traveled to Rivendell from here." You explained as you readied yourself for the trip. Your love dropped his head and murmured an agreement and let the issue slide. You were excited to see your best friend again, Lord Elrond's youngest daughter Erulissë. Even Boromir got along well with the half Elven lady, with made you happy. You hoped that Erulissë would be married to her childhood sweetheart Haldir. As you had wed Boromir. That way the two of you could explain how they asked and when the ceremony was. You saw Boromir's lips moving but heard nothing, to involved with your thoughts. It was only when Boromir lightly kissed you that you came back to the real world.
"Hmm?" You said blushing a little. Even after you had married him, you still blushed when he kissed you. Taking a look at your confused face, your husband laughed lightly and lifted you up onto your horse.
"Are you ready my love?" He asked calmly as Faramir rounded the corner to see the two of you off.
"I'll keep him safe Faramir." You tell your brother in law.

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