Last To Know (Dwalin)

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After reclaiming Erebor and surviving the Battle of Five Armies, life had settled down for the dwarves and you. Trade thrived between the Lonely Mountain, Dale, and Mirkwood. With one of King Thranduil's own living in Erebor's halls, the dwarves and elves had come to a better understanding of what happened sixty years ago when the dragon Smaug came down from the North. As per King Thranduil's request, you were Mirkwood's emissary. On this particular day, a certain dwarf asked if he could steal you away for an hour or two. 

As Dwalin led you to the very top of the mountain, a feeling you remembered well from climbing the trees in Mirkwood when you were a little elfling.
"Dwalin!" You laughed at the gruff dwarf, whose smile melted your heart. The dwarf sat you down once you both reached the top of the mountain, the braids in your hair swaying in the wind. The only braid that did not move was the one Dwalin placed in your hair with his bead.

"There's been something I've been meanin to ask ya lassie." Dwalin said as you crossed your legs and cocked your head.

"Yes Dwalin?" You asked softly. The dwarf you had fallen for was nervous. This was something that he never thought he'd be doing, and with an elf no less.

"Willyamarryme?" Dwalin rushed, ready to admit that he had fallen quite hard for you the day he set eyes on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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