Love Unexpected (Balin)

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Your POV

You sighed softly, watching Balin and Dwalin knock heads, a typical dwarven thing for brothers to do. Especially when it came to those two.
"Aye Kili! Give the lad a hand would ya?" You ask kindly. The young dwarf prince nods and rushes to help Dwalin and Fili. Balin smiling as he watches the exchange between you and Kili. Soon enough everyone had arrived and was throwing food around the poor hobbits hole.
"I am sorry Master Bilbo, for their rowdiness." You apologize to the hobbit who shakes his head at your apology.
"You have nothing to be sorry for Y/N." the sweet hobbit says to you, smiling kindly. You sigh and nod defeatedly.
"KILI DURIN! PUT THE POTATOES DOWN. Do not think of throwing them at him." You yell at your nephew, whose smirk disappears when he realizes whose yelling at him. He groans and puts the potatoes down on his brothers head. You throw your head back and groan in annoyance, only to hear three heavy knocks on the door.
"Clean yourselves up now lads. Or else." You threaten, glaring at the dwarves before grabbing your cloak, tying it around your shoulders and rushing off to the door to let your brother in so he can deal with the idiotic dwarves of his company.
"I thought you said-" he trailed off when the door opened and you stormed out.
"You deal with those infernal nephews Thorin. They'll listen to you." You growl out in Dwarvish, stomping off towards the gate.
"What about you?" He responds in the same language.
"I will meet you in the morning on the road." You bite out, growing frustrated with your brother and feeling slightly annoyed with your feelings towards one of the older dwarves.

You start to slow down when you realize that you're starting to near the lake that lay in the middle of the Shire. Tired of standing you gradually sit and stretch your short legs out in front of you. You where a few inches shorter than Thorin and a head taller than Dis and about your other brother, Fererin's, height. Which your family thought was hilarious with Thorin being your twin and all.

'What would Thorin think, if I told him I felt something for Balin. He'd kill me for sure. But it's better than being betrothed to the king of Mirkwood's son. Even though Legolas was nice enough to me.' You thought to yourself, unaware of what that lurked behind you.

A small pale hand touched your shoulder, causing you to jump and whip out your sword in defense but saw no one. Another hand reached out and touched you, you slashed at the air it just was in but came in contact with nothing.

"Y/N.." The wind whispered and you groaned in annoyance. 'Not again.' You thought.

"Come on Mahal. Stop playing games." You growl, thoroughly annoyed with the Valor member. The god of Death and Dying stepped out of the shadows and slowly walked towards you.

"Do you remember our deal darling?" The god questioned dangerously. You nodded and he smirked.

"Good. You see dear, plans change. I do believe I own your soul." He said, causing you to nod stiffly.

"Let me say goodbye then. You know where I am." You sassed back while you walked back towards Bilbo's home and entered when you reached it.

"Thorin and company!" You called out, gathering your brother, your nephews and friends. The company watched as Thorin stared at you in horror.

"NO!" He yelled and cursed loudly in Khuzdûl. You looked down in shame.

"Thorin, there's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do! I made a deal with him. If I break this deal.." You say as tears run down your face as he turns his back on you to hide his own tears.

"Auntie Y/N?" Kili asked confused. You smiled at your youngest nephew, confusion written on his and every one elses faces.

"Your mother with explain when you reclaim Erebor my little danak or your uncle Thorin will on the journey home." You say to ease his confusion as Fili, Kili's brother gets it and curses just as loud as Thorin did.

Even Balin seemed to get it when you tried to ease Kili's confusion. His blue eyes filled with tears as Dwalin placed a hand on his shoulder and Thorin went to hug you after crying like a baby by himself.

"This is not the end brother mine. I will be there waiting to welcome you home. I will be waiting to welcome you all home." You say as Mahal appears in front of you, a wicked smile on his face.

"Wait!" Balin said as you went to take Mahal's hand, tears running down the older dwarfs face.
"I love you Y/N." The older dwarf said proudly in Khuzdûl. You smiled at him before saying the same thing and that you where sorry as you took Mahal's hand and vanished.


Danak- candle

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