I Still Love You

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It's been only a week since Youngjae was killed, lucky for us Jasmine was caught. All my life, I never would have though that I would be in situations like the ones I have been in.

Ever since I met Jinyoung, my whole life has changed. I'm not even straight anymore, I found out my now ex girlfriend was a crazy psycho, I became a model and.. a guy died taking a bullet for me.

I head to Jinyoungs room, Hongbin and N let me try to talk to him. It's been a week and Jinyoung doesn't even want to come out of his room.

I knock softly on his door.

Me: Jinyoung..... Jinyoungie

Jinyoung: Go away...

Me: Jinyoung please open the door... I want to talk...

I've been feeling guilty for everything that happened. If I would have never even made up Jack Blu,non of this would have happened and Youngjae would still be alive.

I heard the door get unlocked and I slowly opened the door. He looked like a huge mess, his hair all over the place he was really pale and his room was a mess. His eyes were also really red and his face had dry tears.

I hug him tightly and kiss his forehead.

Me: Jinyoung... please... let's go outside to a park or something... I don't want you here and..... I know you just met me -

Jinyoung: I remeber....

Me: What?

Does he actually remember everything that happened between us?

Jinyoung: I remember... the movies.. first day of school, jackson and you... Mark..Jasmine... your brother and Kunpimook and... Jack Blu

I move away from him a little and get on my knees.

Me: Please forgive me Jinyoung, please I never meant to lie to you and I never me-

He drops on his knees and hugs me as he starts crying.

Jinyoung: No... I'm sorry, I should have never just ran out that day. I should have let you explain, I shouldnt have been so stupid and retarded to just run out like that..... and I know I lost my memory and all but..I still love you Jaebum

Did he just say he loves me? 

I look at him and he looks at me.

Me: How.. how do you still love me?

Jinyoung: Because... I always saw you in dreams and, when I saw you for the first time again at the modeling agency i... I fell in love all over again

Me: Jinyoung I. .

Jinyoung: Let's go out Jaebum... I don't want to be here right now, please?

I smile and nod.

Jinyoung: Can you shower with me?... my head is killing me and I'm scared of fainting.. I mean if you don't want to you don't have to its your decision.

I nod and lead him to the bathroom.

Me:I'm always gonna be here for you Jinyoung... I know you were really mad at me back then for what I did you know.. the Jack Blu thing. But there is one thing I have never lied to you about and that's that I fucking love you with all my heart and I have never stopped. I don't care if you kissed someone else during these past days because I know she lied to you. All I care about right now though, is just being with you to help you stay up after Youngjaes death. I know he wouldn't want you all sad and depressed.

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