--Part 3--

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Mituna's head hit the pavement with a pretty loud thump. He was lucky he had his helmet on, otherwise it could have been fatal. You assumed that was probably why he wore it.

The same bright yellow tears you had seen when you first met him rolled down his cheeks, but today for a different reason. Mituna had pulled his helmet off as soon as he got over the shock of falling. His eyes were covered by his shaggy, messy black helmet hair. He seemed so small curled up in a ball on the ground.

You and Latula had finally managed to get to the crying yellow blood. You checked all over his arms and legs to make sure he hadn't seriously injured himself. He had a few scratches here and there, but apart from that he hadn't really hurt himself. At least from what you could see through his strange yellow and black outfit.

You reached a hand to part Mituna's hair. Latula who was standing behind you placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Tun4, 1s 1t okay for us to..."

Mituna sniffled. He reached a gloved hand to take yours in it. The sudden affection startled you, bringing a blush to your cheeks.


You parted Mituna's hair. As soon as it was far away enough from his eyes, you could see why he had been hiding them. His eyes were white, he was dead, or at least you thought he was. You had been doing your research. Not only were his eyes startlingly white, but they were surrounded by veins, one eye was surrounded by red veins and the other by blue ones.

"Can I ask what happened?" You moved the hand that had parted Mituna's hair to his cheek, hoping he wouldn't mind. He certainly didn't seem to care.

Mituna looked down at the ground. He began to think. He tried to remember what happened, but something was stopping him.

"Don't worry about 1t Tun4," Latula smiled from behind you. She waited until you had helped Mituna back up and placed his helmet onto his head to continue talking to you. The two of you walked a little ahead of him so he wouldn't hear what you were saying. "W3'll t4lk to Cronus 4bout 1t, h3 knows th3 most."

"Is Cronus the fish dude?"

"D1dn't w3 1ntroduc3 h1m to you?"

"I don't think so," You looked down at the ground. "But I'm pretty sure he has met me."

"D1d h3 ch3ck you out too?"


Latula laughed. The skateboard in her left hand dragged against the grass as she walked. Her glasses were still covering her eyes. You wondered if she wore them for a reason.

When you made it back over to where the others were sitting, Kankri appeared to be ranting. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring down at Cronus angrily. Cronus didn't appear to be listening, it was no surprise though, Kankri did have a thing for long and boring rants.

Kankri stopped ranting when you and Latula drew near. Cronus let out a sigh of relief, finally saved from Kankri's trigger rants. He stood and began to follow you and Latula away from the turtleneck wearing trigger troll.

"So, vwhat did you vwant me for?"

"M1tun4 h4d 4 b4d f4ll," Latula rested her skateboard on another concrete seat. She proceeded to sit there, motioning for you and Cronus to join her. "W3 w3r3 hop1ng you could 3xpla1n th3 4cc1d3nt."

Cronus looked down at the ground in front of him. His hands rested in the pockets of his leather jacket. It appeared mentioning the accident made him feel uncomfortable, but he opened his mouth to speak anyway.

"Vwell, trolls hawve god tiers and all that jazz," Cronus winced. "Mituna vwas the heir of doom. He tried to stop it, he vwanted to sawve us, but the poor cat over vworked himself."

Latula had gone completely silent. She appeared to zone out of the conversation. It looked like it was all a bad memory she didn't want to remember.

"Yellovw bloods hawve psiionics, so Mituna tried to use his to save us," Cronus looked over at you. "He tried to hard, needless to say, the cat kinda... broke it."

"Th4t's wh4t th3 whol3 d34l w1th th3 v31ns 1s," Latula picked up her skateboard. "1 r34lly hop3 th4t dos3n't ch4ng3 th3 w4y you th1nk 4bout h1m, h3 r34lly s33ms to l1k3 you."

"Lowve more like."

Latula laughed loudly enough to attract the attention of anyone at the skate park. You began to blush like crazy, attempting to hide it with the palms of your hands. Cronus soon joined Latula. Mituna walked over now fully over what had happened earlier.

"H3Y, (Y/N)!" Mituna approached you, the blush still easily visible on your cheeks. Speaking of your blush, it grew even more as he grabbed your hand. "1 W4N7 7O 5HOW YOU 5OM37H1NG, COM3 W17H M3."

Hey! Sorry it's been a while since I last updated. I've been distracted with other things and haven't really had much time to just sit down and write. Hope this chapter isn't super sucky 😂
Until next chapter!

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