--Part 15--

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You woke up this morning groggy and tired. Once your eyes had finally started working again and weren't blurry from sleep, you realized there was a familiar face only a few inches from your own. You jumped a little, startled from having someone so close to you, making your bee boy matesprit's nose accidentally boop your own.

"H3H3H3, 800P," Mituna pressed his finger to your nose this time. "G00D M0RN1NG."

"Uh... Good morning."

You could smell bacon somewhere, even though the scent was weak. You sniffed the air and tried to work out where it was coming from. Mituna moved off of your body, which he had completely flopped on. You assumed that was what woke you up. You missed the warmth of the trolls body on top of yours and curled under the blankets. 

Mituna jumped off of the bed and walked over to your side table. You could hear the sound of clinking cutlery, which instantly grabbed your attention again. You let your eyes travel to where Mituna was standing. He was holding a large tray with two plates and a glass with something in it sitting on top. 

"Wait Mituna, did you make breakfast?"

"Y35," Mituna smiled, proud of his accomplishment. "M3UL1N 74UGH7 M3 H0W 70 50 1 C0ULD M4K3 S0M37H1NG F0R Y0U." 

You raised an eyebrow at the troll as he plopped back down onto your bed. He tried his hardest to move the blankets off of you without spilling the drink in the glass. You pictured your clumsy and adorable matesprit trying to cook and couldn't help but laugh and worry. 

"Tuna, how trashed is the kitchen?" 

Mituna blushed lightly. He sat down beside you and placed the tray on your lap. He was obviously avoiding the question,  but the bacon on that plate looked so good. You let yourself get distracted and bit into the crispy bacon strip. Mituna smiled, he was glad you liked his cooking.

"W3LL, 17 L00K5 L1K3 4 '70RN4D0' C4M3 7HR0UGH 4ND M3553D 3V3RY7H1NG UP, 8U7 Y0U L00K L1K3 Y0U'R3 R34LLY 3NJ0Y1NG 7H47 50 17 W45 W0R7H 17," Mituna shrugged. You looked up from the tray you were staring at and met his eyes with your own wide ones. "D0N'7 W0RRY, M3UL1N 74UGH7 M3 H0W 70 CL34N T00, 1'LL F1X 17 L473R. Y0U 5H0ULD JUS7 R3L4X."

You were starting to understand what this breakfast was all about now that Mituna had shuffled over and pulled the blankets back over him. He wrapped his arms around your side, avoiding your arm so you could still eat the breakfast he had made for you that was surprisingly delicious. You were still worried about the mess in the kitchen that no doubt you would have to clean up in the end, but it was hard to stress out while a purring troll attached itself to your side. 

Mituna moved again, now stretching his arms up to reach your head. You could feel his gloved fingers running through your hair and massaging your temples as he moved to get more comfortable. He lifted your head and placed it back on his lap, now sitting on the pillow that your head was once resting on. You sat up and placed your head back on his lap, staring at his eyes through the visor on his helmet. You were glad he had put that back on, he'd been trying to wear it less and less over the past few days, and you knew that meant he'd probably end up hurting himself. You really didn't want that for him, but you had to admit his bed head was pretty cute. 

He continued to smirk and giggle as his fingers turned you into complete jelly. You had ditched the tray now that all the food and orange juice were gone and you were now sitting in front of your matesprit while he massaged your shoulders, back and then back up to your head again. Kankri could scream at you for hours about triggers and you wouldn't even bother to tell him to shut up right now, you were so relaxed. You could honestly feel yourself drifting back to sleep, which was exactly what Mituna's plan was. Make you breakfast, give you a massage until you fell asleep and then go clean the huge mess in the kitchen. No doubt he would wake you up again in a good half an hour by dropping a glass or hitting a pan on the sink, but it's the thought that counts. 

Eventually, your train of thought was long gone, and you were now fully lying in Mituna's lap with your arms dangling lazily by your side. There was no fighting it, you were going to fall asleep again. Mituna dragged his fingers through your silky hair and pulled a small knot out of your hair, then proceeded to massage your scalp. His fingers worked like magic and you couldn't help but let your eye lids flutter until they finally closed and sleep took over. He cackled when you began to snore lightly. 

"H4H4! Y35!" Mituna whispered his victory cheers. "D0N'7 H473 M3, 8U7 1'M G01NG 70 G0 CL34N 7H3 'K17CH3N' N0W." 

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