--Part 11--

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"Alright then, I'll give you two thome privacy."

Sollux spun on his heels when he noticed you and Mituna cuddled up on the sofa, watching the bee movie for the second time tonight. Surprisingly, Mituna actually enjoyed the movie, but you just watched it for the laughs. There were way too many memes made of this to look at it as just a normal movie. Mituna was gliding his hand up and down your hips, making motorcycle sounds as an excuse to continue the strange contact. You could definitely understand why Sollux would do a 180, this probably looked really weird.

You opened your eyes and turned your head so you could plant a kiss on Mituna's freckled grey cheeks. He seemed so calm, mouth lolling open a little while he relaxed and dreamed. God the guy had been through a lot, from doom to breaking up with who he thought he was going to be with forever. For someone so happy and seemingly innocent (although you had been told otherwise by a hysterically laughing Meenah), you wouldn't have expected him to have dealt with such horrible things. But now he had found you, he seemed happy with you now, over the moon. You wondered what his life was like before you met you, being with Latula who was so much like him.

Mituna wrapped his arms tightly around your torso in his sleep, his head pressing against the back of your pokey shoulder blades. He tensed and moved again to a more comfortable place in the curve of your back. You could feel his pain tangled and messy hair against the soft skin of your shoulders as he slept. You let out a sigh and tried to close your eyes and join Mituna in his sleep again, but he shuffled in his sleep and you could feel his muffled cries against your back.

"Hey, Tuna?" You flipped around to face him and gently pushed his hair away from his eyes. They were still closed, blue and red veins that were surrounding his eyes pulsating. You didn't know if you should be scared or worried. "Tuna!"

You shook your sobbing matesprit to try and wake him up again. You knew it was a bad idea to let him sleep outside of his recuprecoon, but you let him anyway just because he seemed comfortable.

"Tuna, please wake up," soon enough, you began to join him crying, until he finally jolted awake with a startled scream.

"WH47 H4PP3N3D?"

You let out a sigh of relief now and pulled Mituna close to your chest while the both of you calmed down. He sniffled and lifted his head to put his chin on top of yours.

"You had a nightmare," you mumbled into his chest. "Do you mind telling me what it was about if you remember?"

"Y34H 1 R3M3M83R," Mituna frowned. "17 W45 4B0U7 Y0U."

"Oh, I'm sorry Tuna," you signed. "What happened to me?"

"Y0U G07 HUR7," Mituna sniffled, clear yellow tears leaking from his white eyes. "1 C0ULD'N7 H3LP Y0U."

Mituna let his fingers travel to your hair as he mumbled words to himself. He ruffled it and brushed it back into place with his fingers. He looked down at the handful of (H/C) hair he had in his hand as if he was trying to determine whether you were real or not before he released it and moved it back into place again.

"1 KN0W 17 W45N'7 R34L, 17 JU57 R34LLY S33M3D L1K3 17."

Your fingers reached to rub circles into your matesprits back to soothe him. You noticed and whispered to him, which thankfully calmed him down.

"Don't worry Tuna," you kissed the troll's forehead. "I'm fine, not hurt at all."

Psii gently pushed open the door a little to make sure Mituna was okay. You assumed he could probably hear all of his crying from a few rooms away. You lifted your head to look over at him. He noticed the two of you seemed pretty comfortable and that Mituna seemed fine, so he mouthed the words 'Are you hungry' in which your stomach replied with an embarrassingly loud grumble. Psii nodded and motioned for you to get up and to come with him.

"Hey Tuna, you want something to eat?" You poked the bee boy to try and snap him out of his mumbling. His eyes met yours, still uncovered from where you moved his fringe out of his eyes. At first, his eyes scared you a little, and he seemed to notice when you jumped. He mumbled louder now and covered his eyes back over. "Sorry."

"DON'7 83," Mituna snuggled into you.

"Tuna, food?"

"Y34H SUR3."

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