--Part 10--

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Mituna squeezed your hand tighter as the both of you stepped up to the front door of his childhood home. He told you he doesn't have a mother, only a dad and a brother on the drive over. He also told you if things get awkward, just mention bees and the conversation will start up again. You wore a nice pair of ripped jeans and the best (f/c) shirt you had to make a good impression on Mituna's family and since Mituna seemed to like it, you figured they would too. 

Mituna used the hand that wasn't holding yours in a death grip to knock on the oak wood door with a bee carved into it. A few seconds after he knocked a tall man with two horns on either side of his head, extremely similar to Mituna answered the door. He was also wearing a suit that reminded you of Mituna's, the yellow and black theme showing up a lot. You assumed that they all had a thing for bees.

"Hii. You mu2t be (Y/N) right?" 

"Yeah that's me." Mituna gripped your hand tighter again and you began to worry that he was going to cut the circulation off. You brushed your thumb over the top of his hand to reassure him, which thankfully made him loosen his death grip.

"Niice two meet you," The tall troll smiled and leaned slightly against the doorway. "Ii'm Psiionic, but you can ju2t call me Psii." 

"Nice to meet you too Psii." 

Psii turned around and yelled a name you weren't familiar with. He lisped out the 's' in the name before turning back to talk to you again.

"Come on iin," Psii moved out of the doorway. "We've got the2e really good honey cake thing2 ju2t waiitiing to be eaten."

Psii stopped in his tracks.

"You do liike honey, riight?"

"Uh.. yeah," You stepped inside, Mituna still attached to your hand. "Huge fan of bees and all things bees."

"Thii2 one'2 a keeper." 

Mituna flushed a familiar yellow color you had gotten used to seeing. You could feel a blush reaching up to your ears to match Mituna's after you had realized what Psii meant. A nerdish looking boy with the famous Captor horns and glasses stepped down the staircase. He interrupted your conversation (thankfully) with a groan of annoyance. 

"Pthii, where the fuck are my tea bagth?" He shuffled through the kitchen angrily. "Oh, hey you're Mituna'th matethprit right?"

"Yep," You reached out a hand to shake the troll boy's. You weren't too sure if the greeting was going to be too formal for him or if he'd try to hug you or--he took your hand and shook it. Thank god. "The name's (Y/N)." 

"Thollux." Sollux turned back around and continued to shuffle through a large tin labeled 'tea.' 

"Ii don't think we have anymore 2ollux," Psii turned and grabbed what seemed to be a wallet off of the bench beside him. "Want me two go buy more?" Sollux glared at Psii before giving a snarky reply. 

Psii only responded by rolling his eyes before he turned and walked out the front door, presumably to go buy more of the tea bags Sollux seemed unable to live without. Speaking of Sollux, he was now leaning against a counter staring at you and Mituna. 

"Tho, how long have you guyth been a thing?" 

You looked over at Mituna who was now sitting down at a table. He'd taken off his helmet and was now twiddling his thumbs, watching you and Sollux talk. He didn't seem uncomfortable or nervous anymore thankfully, he just seemed bored. 

"I think it's been about two weeks now," You smiled as you remembered the first date the two of you had been on. "Maybe three?" 

"Geethe, you theem pretty friendly for two weekth," Sollux had obviously noticed the copious amounts of hand holding the two of you were doing earlier. "Mituna wathn't like thith with Latula."


You looked over at Mituna who was sitting in a chair, mouth wide open. He obviously wasn't comfortable with telling you about Latula, and you had no idea how to feel about it. 

"Y34H 5H3'5 MY 3X M4735PR17." Mituna stood again, but only to grab you by your hips and to bring you over to the table. He sat and pulled you onto him.

"They were together for thweepth, but Latula found thomeone elthe." 

"4ND 08V10U5LY, 1 D1D 700," The bee boy snuggled into the crook of your neck, his nose tickling the skin that connected your shoulder to the sensitive part of your neck. "50M30N3 83773R." 

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