--Part 14--

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After staring at the snow and explaining more human holidays to Mituna while you sat in front of the window, the both of you could no longer handle the excitement. You had thrown on multiple sweaters, raising an eyebrow at Mituna when he didn't throw at least one on himself.

"You're going to be really cold out there if you don't wear a sweater."

"7R0LL5 D0N'7 G37 C0LD," Mituna opened the front door and waited while you pushed your arms through the holes of your second sweater. 

"Oh, lucky you," You smirked. "Humans get cold all the time." You'd probably already heard this from Mituna before, but the reaction you got from Mituna was adorable. 

The freezing cold breeze instantly flooded through the doorway as soon as Mituna had flung open the door. He didn't seem to care at all, not phased by the cold. He shrugged at you as you caught up with him and the both of you made it outside. 

Mituna had left his helmet inside, so now you could see his bed head. You snorted at the adorable bee boy and pulled a beanie over his head to make up for his lack of headwear. His horns poked through the knitted material. Neighbourhood kids were building snowmen in their front yards and chasing each other around in the snow. It reminded you of your childhood.

"Hey, maybe we should go see Kurloz and Meulin. I'm sure they have no idea what snow is either."

Mituna laughed and suddenly placed his gloved hand in yours. You blushed and tried to hide it in the knitted scarf you had slung on before you walked out. As you walked down the pathway together, Mituna cringed at the feeling of snow mushing underneath your feet. Eventually the both of you made it to Kurloz and Meulin's hive, only to see the both of them in the front yard making snow angels.

Kurloz sat up from where he was lying in the snow. The back of his skeleton suit was completely soaked through which made you shiver. Even just the thought of freezing cold water soaking through your clothing made you uncomfortably cold. Meulin placed a small stone as a cat nose onto the snowman she had been making as you made your way over to her. Mituna soon joined Kurloz and the both of them continued to flail around to make strange looking snow angels.

'So I see the two of you are having fun in the snow already.' The gloves covering your hands made it hard for you to sign to Meulin, but she seemed to pick it up anyway judging by the enthusiastic nod and smile she gave you. She grabbed you by said gloved hands and quickly pulled you over to join her.

'Yeah, Aranea explained what snow was to us a while ago. It's purrety!' Meulin continued to sign to you as she pulled you behind a surprisingly stable wall of snow using just one of her hands so she could keep a tight lock on your right wrist. 

You came to the realization that this wasn't just any old wall of snow, it was completely built out of bricks of snow. It turns out Meulin and Kurloz spent the entire morning out here building snow forts for their snowball fight. They were over the moon when two more players came to join them. You could only assume Meulin spent most of her time mushing snowballs together and perfecting the bricks of snow, because each and every one of them looked almost exactly the same in this elaborate building of mushy frozen water. 

She pulled you into a small igloo like room which was mostly just a giant stack of snowballs in the corner. 

'We have all of the ammunition we are going to need,' Meulin released your wrist and returned to signing with both of her hands. 'Purrloz's base is on the other side of the yard. We need to get into the base to attack them.'

'What happens if they hit us before we can reach them?'

'Mew just have to suck it up!' Meulin smirked. 'That and keep attacking.'

'How do we win?'

'Good question,' Meulin picked up a snowball, one in each hand. She handed them to you and bent back over to pick up more, which meant she had to pause and stop signing. 

Meulin walked out to the space between the two forts. You peeked around the corner of the snow wall to watch what she was doing. There was silence in the yard for a few moments before Meulin's eyes began to flash purple. You could only assume this meant Kurloz was speaking to her in her mind, possibly about the rules. You looked around to see where your bee boy matesprit had made it to, only to notice the top of the beanie you had placed on his head poking up over the wall of snow on Kurloz's side. Meulin returned back behind the wall you were peaking around, hands empty now but water dripping down her sweater.

'Did they get you already?' You signed to Meulin after you passed over your snowballs. She replied with a nod, but a determined look took over her features as she sprinted stealthily out again. You noticed now that both Kurloz and Mituna had ditched their base. You could hear the shrilly giggles you instantly knew came from your matesprit outside of the fort.

With that, you grabbed as many snowballs as possible and shovelled them into your arms like a hamster stuffing food into it's cheeks. You were going to win this snowball fight, even if it's the last thing you do, but right before you could sneak out from behind the wall an intruder made it into your base.

"Eek!" You dropped every single snowball you were holding and placed your arms in front of you in a defensive way to protect you from the icy cold attack your snickering matesprit had been sent for. 

"H3H3H3," He smirked. It was time for revenge. You began to chase after Tuna with a giant snowball you had made by mushing a bunch of smaller snowballs together to make. It was about the size of a watermelon, and surely going to drench Mituna's clothes completely. 

Somehow you managed to loose the tricky troll during the chase. You let out a huff and let your eyes dart around the yard to search for him. Meulin was still holding a snowball in her hand as she pressed her back against the corner of Kurloz and Mituna's fort and waited patiently for her unsuspecting mime matesprit to make his way back inside. 

You finally found Mituna as he attempted to sneak up on you, but the watermelon sized ball of snow was dropped to the ground as you tripped and pushed Mituna down to the soft snow covered ground. He laughed as you pinned him down and shoved a snowball down his yellow and black bodysuit.

"Y0U L00K G00D FR0M 7H15 4NGL3."

You'd never heard Mituna say something like that before, although you've heard from Kankri's long and annoying trigger rants that he used to say so much worse. You blushed lightly at his remark. He leant in and kissed your cheek, which was now bright red. 

'That's adorable.' Meulin signed to Kurloz. 

'Not as adorable as you.'

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