--Part 5--

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A soft knock on your door took your attention away from the sketch you were currently working on. You could hear the quiet mumbling of who you believed to be Mituna outside. 

You opened the front door to your house and smiled at your favorite troll. Mituna waved shyly, struggling to keep a hold of the two skateboards he held under his arms. Both skateboards looked pretty similar, completely black with bright yellow Gemini symbols on the bottom. He handed you one of the skateboards and smiled hopefully up at you.

You stepped down the stairs and took the skateboard from Mituna.

"Thank you."

Mituna started a pretty long conversation about his morning with Kurloz, mentioning something about a cereal incident. You moved the skateboard Mituna had given you around in your arms in attempt to find a comfortable way to hold the awkward object. 

It didn't take the two of you long to make it to the skate park. There were a few teenagers skating around and chatting occasionally, but they seemed to be the only ones there. 

Mituna placed his skateboard down and turned towards you.

"0K4Y, 1'LL H3LP Y0U L34RN F1R57." Mituna thought for a moment before walking towards you.

You followed his instructions and put your skateboard down on a flat concrete area, much like a smaller bike track. You assumed it was probably used for teaching children. 

The skateboard was wobbly underneath your feet. Mituna grabbed a hold of your hands, causing you to instantly blush. He smiled adorably at you and kept his hold on them, attempting to help you stay steady. 

Mituna thought again, realizing he forgot to bring you a helmet. He mumbled under his breath, sighing and calling himself stupid repetitively. 

"What's wrong Tuna?" 

He looked up and stared into your (E/C) orbs. They were filled with concern and something else he didn't recognize. 

Mituna let go of your hands slowly. You watched curiously as he took his helmet off of his head. Mituna smiled at you and placed the helmet on your head. It felt extremely weird. 

You could only just see through Mituna's red and blue visor. You could see him approaching you again, putting his hands back on yours. You'd only ever seen his hair once before now, the sight of it made you melt a little inside. He always had messy black hair with two horns poking out on either side of his head.

Mituna scuffed his left foot on the ground, moving it back, showing you how to do it. He then stood sideways. He watched you as you followed exactly what he did, squeaking when the skateboard began to move. He followed after you, making sure you didn't get hurt. 

You were a natural.

--Many hours of skating later--

You hopped off of the skateboard, feeling alive. You had given Mituna his helmet back and assured him you could do it now without it. He trusted you, but he was still skeptical, the adorable little troll skated right beside you just in case something did happen and he needed to catch you.

Mituna had got better pretty dramatically over night. He had been practicing with Latula since he dropped you off at your house. Underneath his clothing, there were bruises everywhere from such hard work. 

Mituna was determined to get better, if not for himself, for you. He wanted to impress you with his skills and to be able to teach you as well, and he was doing great. 

You had both skated away the majority of the day, and the both of you were getting pretty tired. Mituna offered to walk you home yet again, but this time the conversation was more lively. 

Mituna asked you all kinds of questions from your favorite color to your favorite place in the world. Not only had Mituna worked hard skating with Latula, but also studying everything about humans with Aranea. He knew what he was doing now. 

His next step was to admit his red feelings for you.

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