--Part 8--

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A week. An entire week. You face palmed so hard you had a red mark on your forehead for the next hour. It's been a week since you've worked on anything. It's not like you hadn't tried, gog, you'd tried so hard that you ended up with a migraine. The motivation you usually had just wasn't there today. You sighed and put your head on the cold, flat shiny surface of your desk.

You were trying harder than you have ever tried to beat a case of artists block, but nothing was helping and nothing was working. You tried to look up multiple different images of roses, snakes and other random things but nothing gave you any ideas.

That was until Mituna knocked on your door. It seemed he did it a lot, visiting you more often now that the two of you were dating. He started affectionately calling you his 'D473 M473,' which you didn't understand, but appreciated it anyway. You rose from your warm desk chair that had multiple blankets covering it because your house was always a freezer and walked over to open the door for Mituna. As soon as you opened it he wrapped his arms around your body and nuzzled his face into your chest. You could feel color swarming to your cheeks as Mituna giggled into your body.

"Uh... Hi Tuna."

"H3Y," Mituna looked up at you, his helmet almost hitting you in the chin. He was taller than you, but for some reason he still did things like this, which is almost always uncomfortable for you. "C4N 1 C0M3 1N?"

Mituna giggled at himself as he let go of you. You closed the door, hoping not to risk the cool air in your house. Mituna made his way over to your desk, trying to see what you were working on, but instantly became confused when he noticed 'ihgdshfjgfj' typed in on Google.

"WH47'5 7H15?"

You looked over Tuna's shoulder before laughing, making your way into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Oh, I couldn't think of anything to draw and it was annoying me," You swung open your fridge and pulled an apple out of it, shrugging as Mituna looked over at you. "I may have slammed my hand down on the keys a few times."

"WH47 4R3 Y0U 7RY1NG 70 G37 1D345 F0R?"

"I was in the mood to draw," You bit into the skin of the bright red apple in your hand. "But every time I tried, I just couldn't do it."

"0H," Mituna sat on your desk chair and patted his leg, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around you from behind. You blushed again at the gesture, but you weren't planning on moving. "C4N 1 H3LP?"

"Y-yeah I guess, I'm not sure how but okay."

You placed the apple that was in your hand down on the desk and pulled your laptop a little closer to you.

"What should I use for a reference?"

"DR4W 50M37H1NG R4D1C4L, L1K3 M3," Mituna nuzzled into your back, his voice muffling. "L1K3 S0M30N3 SK4T3B04RD1NG."

"I uh... Guess that could work?"

---Several hours of drawing later--

Mituna was softly snoring on your couch now, his helmet discarded and placed somewhere on the other side of the room so he could sleep comfortably. He told you trolls usually aren't awake during the day, and instead are more active during the night, so It's no surprise he was sleepy. Well, actually it was, because he also told you trolls tend to get bad nightmares if they don't sleep in this strange slime, which he currently was not in. He practically begged you to come and lie with him, but you had to finish this sketch, otherwise it would bother you until you did.

You traced back over the outlines of the girl's face with a darker pencil, and it did the job perfectly. You smudged a couple of lines for some extra fancy shading before grabbing the blue tack and sticking it up on the segment of your wall that you had chosen to dedicate to things you were proud of. Your sketchbook was pretty much full, so it was no surprise that when you tore the page out, the one after it had another beautiful sketch on it. The one you were now looking at was a charcoal drawing of Mituna, who was now stirring in his sleep. You really hoped he wasn't having one of those nightmares he told you about.

Unfortunately, you were unlucky. You heard a whimper, followed by many more. Mituna thrashed violently around your sofa, until you decided you needed to intervene.

"Tuna! Hey, Tuna wake up!" You shook your 'date mate's' shoulder, attempting to wake him, but despite your efforts, he continued to shake. You could feel tears working their way into your eyes as you began to shake as well. You thought about calling Kurloz, but then you realized, that wouldn't exactly work. You did the last thing you could think of, locking lips with Mituna in attempts to wake him.

To your surprise, and his, it actually worked. Mituna stopped thrashing around and instead moved his arms to wrap around you and pull you down onto the sofa with him.

"Hey!" You laughed as Mituna planted kisses all over your head, sniffling while attempting not to let you notice the tears on his cheeks. "Are you okay?"

Mituna didn't respond instead pulling you closer to him. Eventually, the silence lead to him falling asleep while you patiently waited until he was ready to talk about it. You let out a heavy sigh when you heard his adorable snoring, and instead decided to join him for some much needed rest. And thanks to Mituna, now your art block was gone.

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