--Part 12--

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You hadn't seen Mituna for about a week now, and you weren't sure if you should be worried about the adorable bee boy or not. Usually the troll would visit you to skate every morning so he would get to spend some time with you every day, but he hadn't been coming for the past while. Kurloz had texted you earlier and told you that Mituna was feeling a bit off this week and couldn't come to see you, and while you weren't exactly sure what was going on, you respected that. You assumed he was probably just some kind of sick that only trolls get or something, or at least that's how Kurloz made it sound. 

Today however, Mituna seemed to be perfectly fine. He texted you himself from Kurloz's phone today around noon to ask you out to dance he was going to. You knew they threw one yearly down at the town hall, but you weren't really expecting Mituna to be the dancing type. Apparently, Kurloz and Meulin had talked him into going with them. You assumed with Meulin being the ship crazy cat girl she is that she probably told Mituna to bring a date. 

It wasn't that you didn't dance or anything, sure you didn't dance everyday or go to a studio to practice twenty four seven, but you didn't hate it. It was just that you didn't really have anything to wear to a dance and you weren't sure if it was formal enough to bother wearing a dress or if it was fine to just wear some jeans and a shirt, so you decided to walk all the way down to the city hall to check it out. 

The door had a small poster blue tacked against the glass that explained everything you would need to know about the dance. It apparently started at six and ended around eleven. You assumed that with Mituna being at the dance and Kurloz acting as a guardian to your yellow blooded matesprit that the both of them would end up going home around eight. You knew there wouldn't be much point in staying after Kurloz and Mituna leave, because Meulin would probably be sick of it from the moment she got there. You wouldn't blame her, especially since she can't even hear the music. 

You noticed there was small text written at the bottom in an annoying shade of white that made you need to squint to be able to see what it said. It said the dance was appropriate for all ages, and that it would also have a buffet. You tried to find any information about a dress code, but there just didn't seem to be one.

'Guess I'll just have to wing it,' you thought. 'I'll just wear that one really nice pair of jeans I have, or maybe a pair of leggings?'

A voice that you knew to belong to a polite and respectful but trigger obsessed red turtle neck crabby cancer troll interrupted you from your jeans vs leggings pros and cons list that you had already made in your mind. Kankri seemed to be talking to Porrim and Aranea on the other side of the side walk. Now you were curious. 

"I understand that 6ut I still d9n't think it is a g99d idea f9r y9u t9 wear such things and p9st pictures 9f y9urself and y9ur 69dy 9n the internet like that," Kankri crossed his arms. "It c9uld 6e a trigger f9r s9me inn9cent tr9ll in--" 

"O+h my go+g Kanny, do+ yo+u ever shut up?" Porrim flicked Kankri on the nose and watched as he curled it up in annoyance. Aranea lifted her right hand up to move her glasses closer to her eyes as she stood by and waited for Kankri to finish his rant. From what you had heard so far, his rant was about Porrim and her obsession with posting risky photos on the internet. There's been multiple times where you've come face to face with a picture of Porrim you wished you didn't see. 

"Just lighten up already crabby Kanny, co+me o+ut with us to+ that dance to+night?" 

"I really d9n't think I sh9uld." 

"Kanny please," Porrim pouted. "If no+t fo+r yo+u and yo+ur lack of so+cial life, do+ it fo+r me." 

"Fine, 6ut--"

"See yo+u then Kankri, and do+n't fo+rget to+ wear so+mething nice!"

Wait, something nice? Did that mean you did have to dress up? You figured that since it was a party (that was really a lot more like a disco) that didn't require invites or anything like that, it was most likely just a dance party you could wear normal clothes to. In the end you decided that Porrim was probably just telling Kankri to wear something other than his red turtleneck. Apparently he took a liking to human flannel shirts, and they were the only clothes he would wear other than his extremely high pants and turtleneck. 

You wondered what Mituna would wear, and if you could wear something to match with him. You figured it would be a good idea to go for a black and yellow sort of theme to match him.

'So I guess since I'm only really going to be there for a couple of hours and it's just a dance, I could put up with wearing a dress,' You began to walk away and back to your house, not taking any notice of Kankri anymore. 'I can wear that nice black skater dress I really like with those yellow sneakers I bought a couple of days ago. Maybe I can find a headband to go with it.'

And with that, you entered your house and went in search of black and yellow clothing.

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