--Part 6--

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Mituna walked out of his respite block, grabbing his helmet and placing it on his head. His hair was still wet from when he had showered. He scuffed his feet against the wooden floor, reaching for his skateboard and heading downstairs. Today he was meeting (Y/N) at the skate park. It had been about a week since they had seen each other. 

Mituna blushed a light yellow as he remembered (Y/N)'s beautiful smile. He remembered her musical laugh and how it tickled his ears and her sparkling (E/C) eyes.

Mituna snapped out of his trance as Kurloz shook him gently. He giggled childishly, shaking his head slightly. Kurloz let go of Mituna's shoulders and began to sign to him.

'Are you alright Mituna?'

Mituna watched Kurloz's hands carefully as he signed each word. It took him a long time to learn sign language, and even now he wasn't too great at it. 

"Y34H," Mituna smiled, proud of himself for understanding what Kurloz said. "1 W4N73D 70 45K F0R Y0UR H3LP W17H 50M37H1NG." 

Kurloz smiled at his innocent moirail.

'What can I help you with?'

"1 W4N7 70 45K 50M30N3 0N 4 'D473,'" Mituna stopped Kurloz from signing before he finished his sentence. "1 KN0W Y0U H4V3 4 M4735PR1T3, H0W D0 Y0U D0 17?" 

'Do what?"

"Y0U KN0W, N07 G37 N3RV0U5..."

Kurloz smiled at Mituna, he knew just the person to help with this. 


You pulled your shirt over your head and tied your hair back into a ponytail. Mituna's skateboard was sitting on the end of your window seat beside your abandoned sketchbook and graphite pencils. You hummed to yourself as you approached your sketchbook. Checking the clock on the wall, you realized you had at least a good twenty minutes before Mituna arrives. He insisted on meeting you at your house and walking with you to the skate park. The two of you practiced every week now, Mituna's love of skating made you want to learn too. 

You picked up your pencil and began to sketch the view of your neighbourhood. A few kids played basketball in the front yard of a house. You smiled watching as a young girl giggled and bounced the ball. Until all of a sudden a familiar troll came into view.

You jumped up from where you were sitting, dusting off your jeans and picking up the skateboard and helmet Mituna had given you. He gave you one of the helmets he had from when he was younger, it fit surprisingly well despite your lack of horns. 

You opened your door to an adorably blushing Mituna. He smile at you as you closed the door behind you and began to walk beside him. He seemed strangely nervous today, he barely ever spoke, his eyes glued to the ground and twiddling his thumbs. 

You put the helmet Mituna gave you on to your head, placing your skateboard down beside you. It was still strange looking through the visors on the front of the helmet, but you were getting used to it. 

----------------------------Le time skip brought to you by sick author is sick------------------------------------

Mituna looked down at the ground shyly yet again. He had asked if you would come over to his hive after the two of you finished practicing. Little did you know, he invited you over to finally ask you on a date. 

Meulin had given him a few tips before he had left. Originally he had planned on asking you on the way to the skate park, but he was too nervous. 

Mituna opened the door to his hive, watching as you smiled and walked in before following behind you and closing the door. He followed you as you walked into his 'living room.' 

As soon as you stepped into Mituna's house, Meulin jumped in front of you and began to sign speedily. You laughed and gave her a hug as she finished signing and stuck out her arms. Kurloz smiled, or at least tried to, from where he was sitting on the ground. 

Meulin elbowed Mituna lightly before walking back over to where Kurloz was sitting. She sat comfortably on Kurloz's lap and watched as Mituna rubbed the back of his neck with his gloved left hand. 

He took his nervous gaze off of the ground and met your (E/C) orbs. He opened his mouth to speak, but giggled adorably and closed it again. He blushed a vibrant yellow, trying to overcome his nerves. 

"UM... (Y/N)?"

You smiled at Mituna. He seemed so nervous, and your curiosity was peaked. 


"UM... W0ULD... Y0U.... P05518LY... M4Y83..."

You saw Meulin waving her hands in a desperate attempt to gain your attention. You glance over at her now as she stops frantically waving her hands in circles and begins to instead signs. 

'He wants to know if you will go out on a date with him.'



Hey guys! I'm super sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I've rewrote this chapter a billion times because I've been yet again getting hit with writers block and I've felt like the stuff I've wrote wasn't the best I could do. I hope this chapter wasn't too sucky. xD 

Until next chapter!  

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