04 | The First Everlasting Words

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[04 | The First Everlasting Words]

[04 | The First Everlasting Words]

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The first day of school has always terrified Theodore, ever since he was a little kid. He could vaguely remember both of his parents - back when his mother was still around and he actually saw his dad more than three hours a day - dropping him infront of the gates of school and holding his hands while they showered him with kisses and words of encouragement left and right, knowing his horrible anxiety.

His brother wasn't much of a nerve wreck however, which explained why his father always preferred his company much more than Theo's. But Theodore didn't blame his father or his brother at all. After all, it meant that he would get to enjoy the presence of his mother more. Which was how five year old Theodore always preferred it, considering his mother was the softest and kindest person ever. She never let go of his hand and had even sat next to him on the tiny kindergarten chair on his first day when all the boys looked at him weirdly.

But he was seventeen now and a lot has changed in those twelve years. For starters, his brother was a twenty two year old college dropout with a kid on the way and his mother was married to man in another state while his father was.. well.. his father. There really wasn't much to say about the man anyway.

Theodore has been in the same school since forever. So now as he stood infront of the huge double doors separating him from either the best or worst journey of his life, he wasn't so sure if he had made the right decision of changing schools.

"You know, this isn't some chick-lit movie where you can stand infront of a high school main entrance without someone bumping into you or knocking you down. Keep in mind as well that everyone is more aggressive and aggravated at the first day of school."

And there it was, the voice Theodore has been waiting to hear for more than twenty minutes. The only voice that can calm his nerves and reassure him. He turned around just as someone was about to bump into his shoulder and gave Isla a nervous smile, his arms outstretched for a hug.

She walked swiftly into his arms, her head reaching his collar bones which was something Theodore found undeniably adorable. Isla squeezed him a little tighter, and he was thankful for the small sign of encouragement.

Stepping out of his embrace, Isla brushed her hair to the side and locked arms with Theodore. "Come on, we have places to be and people you should meet. Oh and you already took your anxiety pills, right?"

Isla stopped walking and looked at him. Theodore nodded his head frantically while looking around, afraid someone might have heard her. He didn't want people thinking he was a weirdo when he was already getting strange looks for being the new kid.

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