10 | Almost a Kiss

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[10 | Almost a Kiss]

[10 | Almost a Kiss]

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After pleading and begging the indifferent security guard to help her haul Theodore up, he eventually agrees and they both carry an unconscious Theodore to the Uber Isla just ordered twenty minutes ago. Once she's seated inside the car with Theo sprawled on her lap, she gives the security guard a small smile in gratitude to which he only grunts back to and slams the door shut.

She tells the Uber driver Theo's house address and leans back in her seat with a sigh as exhaustion washes over her.

The night has been utterly fun and wild, but all that doesn't come close to what has almost went down between them. She and Theodore had almost kissed tonight and she's not really sure how she feels about the whole thing.

Of course she loves Theodore dearly and if she's being honest with herself, he is quite attractive and she's always appreciated how beautiful he is. She's also thought about him and her together in a variety of indecent positions that require his mouth and her body but it all comes down to it being physical attraction only. Is physical attraction to her best friend enough to make her jeopardize their entire friendship just for a few moments of bliss?

And besides, she knows wholeheartedly that Theodore has never been kissed before. She knows he falls headfirst and caves into his emotions easily and she also knows that he's the type to want a roses and chocolate kind of relationship (something she unfortunately can't see herself doing anymore). He's a romantic, and in no universe should he ever have his first kiss with someone who's not in love with him romantically. Besides, Isla reckons he might want to remember his first kiss and not have it while he's wasted.

She doesn't understand why she's expecting him to be in love with her just because he tried to kiss her. It could be because it was in the heat of the moment, or because he wanted to know how it feels like. Heck, maybe it's as simple as him just being drunk out of his mind. It makes her feel self centered for immediately assuming she has to do with this almost kiss but Isla has always been one to analyze and overthink everything.

Looking down at his peaceful sleeping face, Isla strokes the locks of hair away from his forehead tenderly and counts the freckles dotting his nose and cheeks. They're extremely faint and picking them would be a nearly impossible task if she hasn't been watching his face carefully every time they have one of their sleepovers.

Isla groans, realizing how much of a creep she's slowly, but surely becoming. It's not like he's all she ever thinks about but at the same time, he's become someone she can't picture her days without. She doesn't know when or how, but somewhere in the middle he's become her person. The person she trusts blindly, depends on wholeheartedly and cares for deeply. It's frightening, because the last time she gave a person that much power over her she ended up broken beyond repair.

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