chapter 13

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*Perries POV*

   "Faith, please!" I begged my daughter as I attempted to calm her down in the midist of one of her tantrums.. again. Ever since Zayn left for tour a month ago, Faith has been acting out. She misses her daddy.

   I picked a screaming Faith up, and walked into the kitchen. The house was a mess; Her toys were everywhere. I sat her down in her high chair for dinner. Still, She was screaming. "FAITH! STOP IT! RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I yelled out of frustration, putting my foot down. though, that did shut her up.

   She was just silently crying now. "M-Mama.. Daddaa?" she asked. it breaks my heart every second that Zayn isn't here. Usually, he would be able to quiet her down. I just cant seem to do that.

   I turned on the telly that was in our kitchen on, and I spun her high chair around so she can view it while I make her some supper. Its already 6:30, anyways.

   "ELMOOO!" Faith laughed and pointed at the tv. Sure enough, Sesame Street was on. I smiled a bit, and placed some noodles with sauce on her high chair for her to eat. She saw this, and grabbed a handful while stuffing them in her mouth. I laughed, and took a picture of her.

   I looked over my text conversations until I found Zayns. I clicked on it, and attached the photo. Its around 1 in New York, so hes probably busy. I decided to send it anyways.

   To: ♥Zayn♥
Message; Hey love. your probably busy right now, but just wanted to let you know we're okay :) love you lots like tatter tots!xx

   I sent the message with the picture of Faith attached. I looked up at the sound of screaming, though; My heart collapsed at the sight in front of me.

   Faith fell out of her high chair.

   She was screaming and crying. I immediately got up and ran to het across the room. I picked her up, only to find blood. a lot. She was screaming and I started to, too. My baby had cracked her head open. No. No, this just cant be happening.

   I Immediately ran out to the car; I didnt bother grabbing anything, or even closing the front door. I needed to get my baby to the hospital.

   I hopping in the drivers side, and sat Faith on my lap. She was still screaming, and my heart was breaking into a tiny million pieces. I quickly pulled out of our driveway, and drove to the hospital. I had blood all over me. while driving with one hand, I took off my shirt and pulled it over my crying face, and wrapped it around her head, attempting to stop some bleeding.

   I arrived at the hospital, and Faiths breathing was starting to slow down. "STAY, BABY. I LOVE YOU." I practically yelled at her. I ran into the emergency room, ignoring the looks I was getting because I was just in a bra; my shirt still around her head.

   "HELP, MY BABY! MY BABYYY!" I yelled at the lady at the front desk. She saw the blood, and Faith, and started to run to get someone. "This way!" She yelled for me to follow her. I did, and she led us to a room with doctors. I was holding Faith tightly against my chest, in complete sobs. The doctors took Faith from me, and strapped her on a gurnie thingy. They began asking me questions, and I did my best to answer them.

   I cant lose my Faith. My baby. My love. I just cant. This isnt happening.  I know this isnt happening. It cant be.

sorry guys xc I needed Drama. Whats gonna happen to Faith tho? *sorry for my sucky writing lol*

   remember that the contest is still open. please participate, guys!

   *NEXT UPDATE: 1.7K reads*

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