Chapter One

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"Elizabeth! Wake up, it's the first day of school!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I lifted my head and looked at my alarm clock. It read 7:50. I sprung out of realizing I'd be late for my first day back at school. I put on a light pink sweater, blue skinny jeans, and my white vans. I pulled my blonde hair back into a ponytail, and started to put on my makeup.

There is no way my mom would let me be late on the first day! After all, I am her perfect daughter! I'm my mom's favorite daughter. Her and my sister, Polly, don't get along that well. Ever since her and Jason Blossom have been going out. The Coopers' and the Blossoms' have been at it for years. To be honest, the Blossoms' are super sketchy but, I don't hate them!

Enough with the family drama! The people in this town think of me, Betty Cooper, as this perfect girl next door. I'm not though. I have this darkness inside of me, that half the time I don't know where It comes from. No one understands me, and I don't know if anyone ever will...

"Betty, are you almost ready?" Polly asks, walking my room.

"Yeah Pol, be down in a minute," I smile back.

Once she left the room, I opened up my hand and looked down at the scars that my own nails caused. I closed my hands, picked up my book bag, and headed out of my room.

As I walked outside to my sister's car, I found a crying Polly. She sat with her back up against the car and knees close to her chest. I ran over to her side immediately. What could be wrong with her? Was it mom and dad? Was it Jason?

"Polly! What's wrong?" I asked, wiping the tears from her face.

"Oh, Betty! I can't tell you, I'll be hated by everyone!" Polly cried.

"Polly, I won't hate you!"

"You won't, but mom and dad will!" She replied, burying her face in her hands.

"Whatever your secret is, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone! I promise!" I explained.

She lifted her head up, and wiped the tears streaming down her face. She pulled out her maroon backpack from behind her, and searched for something inside. She pulled out some sort on white stick. She placed it in my hands. It was a pregnancy test, but not just any pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test. I looked up at her wide eyed.

"Betty, I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god. Does Jason know? Does mom and dad know?"

"No, and no. You're the first person I told. I was going to tell Jason today, so I brought that as my proof. I was crying because I was so scared Jason would leave me," Polly explained, "But, can we talk about this after school? We should get going,"

"Of course, Pol. I just want you to know that whatever happens, I'm always your sister and I'll always love you," I told her, giving her a hug, "I love you, Polly."

"I love you too,"


Once we arrived at school, I decided to find Veronica and Kevin. I started to walk towards my locker, since their lockers are near mine. As I turned the corner, Veronica and Kevin ran up to me, with excitement. Without speaking, Kevin grabbed my arm and ran, while Veronica followed. I am extremely confused.

"Where are you guys taking me?" I asked, while running.

"Oh, you'll like what we're doing!" Veronica laughed. We stopped at the corner of a hallway.

"Archie, got hot!" Kevin exclaimed, pointing in his direction.

I have liked Archie since the seventh grade. We are super close, but as friends. When we were little he proposed to me, because I tutored him so he would get held back. Kevin was right, Archie did get hot! The thing is every time I talk to him about us, I start to freak out!

Archie turned our way, and started to walk towards us with a smile. I started panicking. I tried to run away, but Kevin and Veronica turned me right back around. When they turned me around, there was Archie.

"Hey Betty! Sorry, I couldn't see you yesterday! How about we go to Pop's tonight around eight?" He smiled.

"Um....yeah, sure! I'd love to!" I replied, smiling back at him.

"Great, see you then!" He said, walking off with Reggie and Moose.

Once he was out of sight, my breathing slowed down, and I was calm again. I turned around to V and Kevin, to their jaws dropped.

"Did Archie Andrews just ask you out on a date?" Veronica exclaimed.

"It's not a date! It's a friendly gathering!" I corrected her.

"Yeah but he asked you to go out somewhere, just the two of you! Um, that's a if I've seen one!" Kevin explained.

"I hate you!" I laughed.

"Come on, we gotta get to first period!" Veronica laughed.

As Kevin and Veronica started to walk away, my eyes caught a boy wearing a grey-black beanie, who was leaning against the lockers. He had raven black hair, and beautiful blue-green eyes. Our eyes met. It almost felt like the world stopped. I could feel my cheeks starting to get red. He gave me a small smile. That's when I felt my heart melt. He walked away from the situation, but still looked at me until I was out of sight.

Who was he? Why is he so mysterious? I needed more information. I need to see that boy again.

Authors Note-

I hope you all liked the first chapter of the story! Sorry there wasn't much Bughead, it's the beginning of the story! Don't worry, Barchie won't last long! Please comment and vote for this story if you would like to see more! I really do love this story, and I hope you guys do to! I have big things planned for this! Thank you all!!


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