Chapter Four

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The moonlight shined as Jughead and I walked from the diner. The streets were empty and there was no noice. I kept looking down, not wanting him to see me still crying. I wiped the tears out of my eyes, and looked up.

"I'm Betty the way," I said, breaking the silence.

"Jughead Jones," He said, turning to me.

" you tell me a little about yourself?" I ask.

"Let's see. I go to Riverdale High, I have a little sister, but she lives with my mom in Tilito, I work at the Twighlight Drive-In, and that's about all I can think of," He told me.

"Cool, now I'll go! I got to Riverdale High as well, I have an older sister, I write for the blue and gold, and that's all I can think of!" I said, laughing a bit.

The rest of the time we walked, we made sam talk. There were some moments where I could tell he was looking at me, when I was looking down or around me. Before we knew it we were in front of my house. I didn't want to leave. I started to walk up the staircase to my house. I then thought about Archie and the date again. I turned around.

"Uh, Jughead?" I said, watching him walk away.

"Yes?" He asked, turning around.

"I heard, that you were friends with Archie once. Did he tell you anything about the dates he takes all those girls on?" I said, shaking nervously.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just wanted to know. I'd never think you'd to be friends," I told him.

"There's a lot about me that you don't know," He said, walking backwards, "See you around...Juliet."

There he goes with that 'Juliet' nickname. He turned back around and walked off into the night. I could fee my face become red. I turned around and walked up to the front door of my house. I walked in with a smile painted upon my face. I didn't even notice my parents sitting in the Living room. I started to walk upstairs to call Veronica, but I was stopped by a nervous, Polly.

"Betty, we have to tell her about the baby!" Polly whispered.

"We? Why do I have to tell her?" I asked.

"Shhhhh!" She whispered, bringing her finger to her lips, "Please, Betty. We have to do this now."

I shook my head, and lead my sister down stairs. We walked into the living room, and sat down. My mother looked up from her book, and put her reading glasses on the top of her head. Polly took a deep breath, and then looked at me. I nodded, signaling her to tell our parents.

"Mom, Dad," Polly said, her hands shaking.

"What is it, Polly?" Our dad asked, still focused on his newspaper.

"I have something to tell you both," She continued, "But please, don't freak out."

How could they not freak out? Their daughter is pregnant with their enemy's son's child! What I'm trying to say is that they will freak out.

"Depends on what it is. Tell us dear," She said, giving us a smirk.

Polly looked scared out of her mind. I looked at her and gave her a sweet smile.

"Tell them Pol," I smiled.

She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant," She announced, her face becoming red.

The room went silent. My father's expression should pure anger. My mother other hand gave her a look so bad, I don't even know how to explain it. My father stood up from his chair and pointed to the door.

"Get out," He said, trying to control his temper.

"Dad don't do this," I said, trying to reason with him.

"Shut up, Elizabeth!" He yelled, "Polly, I want you out of this house! Get your stuff and leave!"

"Dad, I'm your daughter!" Polly shouted, tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Not anymore," He said, darkly.

"Mom, do something!" I yelled, about to cry.

"Elizabeth, this is none of your business! Go to your room!" She yelled, standing up.

"No," I stated, looking her dead in the eyes.

She then grabbed my arm and bragged me upstairs. I tried to push her of me, but it was no use. When we got upstairs, she pushed me into my room and shut the door. I tried to open the door, but I wouldn't open. How could she lock me in here? My door only had a lock on the inside.

I collapsed on my bed. I just stared at the ceiling and cried. I could feel blood on my hands. I opened up my hands and saw the dents my nails made in my palms. There was more blood than usual. I didn't even realize I was doing it.

Once again, my world being filled with what felt like an eternal darkness. My sister was gone. Where will she go? I feel as if my world is being torn apart, piece by piece....

Author's Note-

Wellll....... rip Polly! I promise more Bughead will happen! They just met, give em a break! Alright I can't think of anything else to say! I might watch Titanic...idk. Ok, byeeee!


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