Chapter Thirteen

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-Betty's POV-

I got home from Pop's a few hours later. As I walked in through front door, I was confronted by my mother, who had a look of anger on her face.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?" I said, taking off my jacket while looking the other way.

"I got a call from the school telling me that you did not attend some of your classes. Where were you?" She said, in a pissy tone.

"Mom, I can explain," I said, turning to her.

"Please don't tell me you were with that... Southside boy!" She exclaimed.

"His name is Jughead, and he's actually really nice! Why can't you trust my judgement?" I said, raising my voice.

"I'm telling you, that family is bad news!" She yelled at me.

"Oh my god! Shut the hell up! Not everyone can be the Cooper family! And I don't know why anyone would want to be!" I yelled back, storming away into the kitchen.

"How dare you, Elizabeth! I don't want-" She scolded me, before I cut her off.

"No, Mom! How dare you! Jughead is an amazing person and you can't see that, because only see flaws in everyone" I yelled, pushing her out of my way.

I knew she fell to the ground, but I didn't look back. I ran up the steps, locking myself in my room. I sat on my bed, writing in my diary.

Dear Diary,

Love makes you do crazy things. Right? Well it's true. I pushed mom to the floor today. All because she was talking bad about Jughead. I'm I going insane? Was it right of me to do that? Oh god. Sometimes I wish...

A large pounding at my door, startled me. A put down my pen and closed my diary. I didn't say a word.

Then the pounding came back. My breathing became heavier and heavier.

"Elizabeth! Open this door now!" The voice outside my door said.

Of course it was my mother. I quietly got up from my bed and took out a pink backpack from my closet.

I filled the bag with clothes, my phone, charger, headphones, my diary, a pen, hair ties, and a hair brush.

"Elizabeth Cooper! I know you're in there!" She yelled.

I quickly zipped up the bag and put on my grey jacket. I opened my bedroom window.

Then I heard my mother picking at the lock. I quickly climbed out of my room through the open window.

Luckily, there was a ladder by my window I could climb down. I climbed down the ladder and ran.

I didn't know where I was going, I just ran. Once I got far enough away from my house, I decided to go back to Pops.

It was fairly empty, only a few people scattered around the diner.

I sat in an empty booth and ordered a milkshake. I took out my diary from my bag and continued my entry for the day.

I could just leave Riverdale. No more annoying next door neighbors, over protective mothers, no more drama.

Sometimes I'd rather be invisible than live my life. But hey, that's not how the world works.

Right now I'm sitting in a booth at Pop's. I kinda ran away from home, but not really. I just don't know when I plan on going back. I'll update tomorrow.

Sincerely, Betty Cooper

I closed the diary and put it back into my bag. A few minutes later, a waitress came with my vanilla milkshake. I took a sip and scrolled through my phone.

That's when I had gotten a text from Jughead.

Jughead: Hey, Juliet ❤️

I blushed at the text and replied back.

Betty: Hello, Romeo! What's up?❤️

Jughead: Nothing, just bored. Where you at?

Betty: Pop's. Cooper household drama made me escape!😒

Jughead: I'm sorry about that. You can stay with me tonight if you want to? My dad is out of town.

Betty: Ok! Thanks, Juggie!❤️

Jughead: Anytime❤️ I'll meet you there in a bit. I'm walking home right now.

Betty: ok, I'm on my way now!

I smiled, leaving a tip for the waitress. I took my stuff and left Pop's with the biggest smile on my face.

-Toni's POV-

I walked into Pop's, passing a happy blonde haired girl. Earlier, I had gotten a text from an unknown number saying to meet them at Pop's.

I sat down in an empty booth and looked around.

I swear to god if I'm being scammed, I'm going to shoot someone!

That's when an overly buff dude with ginger hair sat across from me. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Can I hep you?" I asked, in a bitchy tone.

"Are you Toni?" He asked.

"Um, yes. Who are you and what do you want?" I said, crossing my arms.

"I'm Archie. I'm the person who told you to come here. I need your help with something," He said.

"With?" I asked, curiously.

"I'm in love with Betty Cooper. She's Jughead Jones's girlfriend. She's also a Northsider," He told me.

"A Northsider! He's the leader of the Serpents and he's dating a Northsider?" I said, shocked.

"Yes, he is! Anyways, how would you feel about causing a little destruction?" He said, a smirk coming across his face.

I thought for a second, then gave him a small smirk.

"I'm in the mood for chaos. I'm in," I smirked.

- Author's Note -




Sorry for the short chapter!

I just really needed to update this story😂😂😂


If you want a more scandalous version and want to read my original idea for this book,


It's pretty scandalous,  even though the scandalous stuff hasn't even really began!





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