Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Friends Huh?

Three days,

It has been three days since Kyle saw the new student from Denver sitting in his History class and found himself wondering about the other student.

Kyle got up after Mrs. Peregrine let them go and he was quick to the door when a thought came to him.

He turned around, having to sidestep the students streaming past him so he could head over to the redhead who was currently tucking books leisurely into his bag, not in any sort of rush to get his lunch.

"Hey." Cole looked up from his bag, his eyes widening slightly before his face broke out into a practiced smile.

"Hey," Cole replied politely, sitting up to look at Kyle properly. "Can I help you?"

"No, I don't want your help." Kyle told Cole with a shake of his head. "I wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me and my friends during lunch."

Cole looked a little taken aback for a moment but he cooled his features, smiling as he spoke.

"Sure, let me just put my stuff away." Cole said to the boy in front of him, ignoring the way his mind seemed to emphasize that a popular good looking and athletic guy was being nice to him.

It doesn't matter, He tried to tell himself. Handsome or not, you don't know him. He could be a jerk and then you'll be upset that you got your hopes up.

With that thought in mind, Cole put away his books, standing up so Kyle would lead the way.

They didn't know who started the conversation but by the time they were entering the cafeteria Cole had a beaming smile on his face because Kyle was cracking up at something the redhead had said.

The students around them were mildly interested but they knew that there was no point in trying to wonder too hard. Kyle was very open and any rumors were immediately squashed once the rugby player caught wind of them.

Because once he caught wind then the rumor was getting a little too heated.

"Are you buying lunch?" Kyle asked when Cole started towards the line.

"Yeah, are you?" The boy asked back.

"No, I bring my own." When Kyle told him that Cole was unable to mask his surprise and quietly cursed himself.

Without realizing it, he had created ideas about who Kyle was and how he acted and still was shocked when he learned differently.

He was still shaking his head when he went over to the line.

Kyle gave his new friend a lingering look before he went over to his table.

"Who was that?" Neal asked him once he was comfortably seated down.

Kyle knew that his friend would ask, the two of them were pretty well known since Kyle was in Rugby and Neal was the school's main pianist but unlike Kyle, Neal wasn't always completely prepared to talk to total strangers. And that's just who Neal was, a nosy introvert. Plus they were seated at a table where the majority were well-known students, it wasn't uncommon for students to ask to join them, but they usually got bored with Kyle and Neal and either left to a different table or sat closer some of the other populars.

So when it came down to it at school Kyle's only actual friend was Neal.

And Nosy Neal would definitely be curious when he had never seen Cole before.

"Cole," He started, waiting for Neal to start looking hilariously upset before he continued. "He's in my history class with Mrs. Peregrine, he moved from Denver, Colorado."

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