Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Let's Get Started

"You two seem peppy today." Neal commented as he bit into his pizza. "What's that all about?"

Kyle glanced over at Cole who, despite getting called out on his behavior, was still grinning at him, as if the two of them had some awesome secret.

When Kyle bought about it that way, he understood completely why Neal was suspicious. But, there was a totally normal and understandable reason for our weirdness.

Today was the day that Kyle would start helping Cole find his favorite activity. Kyle had messaged Cole yesterday, telling him that he wanted to start today so Cole was buzzing with positive energy from the very start of the day.

Kyle thought that it was quite interesting, simply because Cole had never really gotten into a sport yet in his life, yet he was so excited for Kyle to try and introduce him to some today.

And funnily enough, unbeknownst to Kyle, he was doing the same thing. Kyle was sitting up straighter than usual, his foot soundlessly tapping away a song that Kyle wouldn't be able to tell you the name of and he was constantly giving full teeth smiles for no reason. Cole also sat next to him at the table and Kyle was turned so much towards him instinctively that he was almost sitting sideways.

But Kyle did not realize that he was doing any of this, in his mind he was acting completely normal and Cole was being the oddly happy one.

Since Cole didn't seem like he wanted to explain the situation with him when Kyle glanced at him, Kyle decided to explain it himself.

"Cole's mom is going to make him go to a boarding school unless he starts to get into a sport or exercise of some sort," Kyle said simply, shrugging when Neal's eyes widened considerably.

"Oh, woah. Okay, then why do you two look so happy again?" Neal asked, clearly confused as get looked between his cheery friends.

"Oh, Kyle is going to be helping me find one that I like." Cole answers when he realizes what Kyle had left out. "We are starting today."

Neal raises his eyebrows before he turns to Kyle with a teasing expression. Kyle mentally groans and smacks his hand onto his forehead when Neal starts to wiggle his eyebrows.

Although Neal did not seem like he planned on spilling the fact that Kyle had a crush on Cole anytime soon, he still enjoyed teasing Kyle about it. And it seemed like he enjoyed doing it in front of Cole as well.

Cole seems thoroughly confused and looks back and forth between Neal and Kyle, saying, "What? Why are you doing that? Why are you smacking your head?".

Kyle thought in his head that this was one of the main reasons why he regrets the fact that Neal knew about his crush. He was going to bring it up any time he and Cole did something alone together until they either start dating -which is not going to happen- or if Cole starts dating some other person.

Kyle decided to give Cole some sort of answer because he was started to get frustrated. So Kyle said, "Neal is just being dumb and annoying, don't worry about it."

Cole doesn't seem eased with that answer but luckily drops it and goes back to eating his food.

"Well, good luck with your quest to find . . . whatever you had just said that you were looking for." Neal says with a shrug when he couldn't completely remember what we had said. Kyle interrupts with, "We said sports or exercise!" but Neal just shrugs again and says, "Whatever".

"I hope it goes well. Kyle would be a literal dick that walks around in his limp glory if you leave this school Cole, he wouldn't know how to function." Neal tells Cole, his voice only portraying seriousness and the truth. For that, Kyle gives him a very firm and hard whack against the back of the head. All while sporting a blush that was able to fight through his darker completion to display his embarrassment.

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