Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Don't You Dare Leave Me Behind

Cole glanced up when he noticed the sudden shadow standing over his phone, beaming when he then found that the person was Kyle. The two of them had been growing much closer in the past few months. They already were becoming close friends when Kyle offered to train him, and since then their relationship has only grown. Cole had thanked Kyle before for his help and celebrated with him when Cole's Mother had commented on the weight that Cole had lost.

It was not a very encouraging comment. Hearing, "at least he is not completely made up of fat anymore" damaged his confidence even more than before. But the comment meant that his mother was noticing, which brought them even closer to the possibility of being home free in regards to Cole going to a boarding school. And that was the end goal.

Cole frowned when he noticed that Kyle seemed a little . . . nervous? Nervous wasn't the best way to put it. Maybe unsure worked better? Either way, Kyle did not seem comfortable and Cole now wanted to know why.

"What's wrong?" Cole asked, his wide eyes opened fully as he stared up at Kyle. Kyle's eyes widened in response and his palms started to sweat. Kyle had planned to get right to the point and tell Cole what was going on, but now he was distracted by Cole's big, gray . . .

"Your eyes." Kyle whispered airily, his stare locked onto Cole's gorgeous eyes. Cole frowned as a blush flowed into his cheeks, giving him an innocent appearance.

"What about them?" He asked with a confused pout, wiping his face as a precaution. Kyle blinked, clearing his vision so he could properly see Cole.

"Why are you-" Kyle cut himself off, suddenly remembering the instance from the morning. "Did I say that out loud?" Cole nodded, a small smile playing on his cute thin lips.

"Yeah, you did. I hope you still remember how to think, right?" Cole teased, leaning on his forearms to become closer to Kyle. Kyle shook his head, chuckling lightly to ease the worry that Cole might be feeling.

"Yeah, I hope I didn't." Kyle had smiled and said that to Cole, but he really believed the statement. Having this happen two times in an hour was jarring. Kyle rubbed his neck to relax, then went back to focusing on his task. "Cole I do have to tell you something."

Cole had let his stare move back down to his phone. But at the sound of Kyle's voice, looked back up and found Kyle staring intently at him.

"I promised Angela that I would help her study for mid-terms. So, I wanted to tell you that until mid-terms are over, there will be one day a week that we can't meet up." Kyle tried to give Cole this information calmly, as adults usually do, but the words were rushed out. Cole sat still, blinking up at Kyle for a moment before a frown slowly made its way onto his face.

"Oh." Cole muttered, unable to help himself when he looked down at his desk. "Okay, then." Kyle quickly noticed Cole's mood and started to look guilty. Cole sighed. He didn't want to make Kyle feel guilty for helping out his friend, but Cole was disappointed and slightly jealous of Angela's opportunity to spend more time with Kyle. Was Cole a child for thinking so? Probably, but he couldn't help his emotions and they showed on his face without him being able to stop it.

"Cole, I really didn't-" Kyle started, attempting to apologize despite not knowing why he was apologizing. Cole shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. Go have fun studying, I won't stop you." Cole ground out spitefully. He turned back to his phone when he realized that he hadn't actually been paying attention to what he was saying. Kyle took that as his cue to leave and made his way over to his own seat.

Kyle thought that Cole would be a little bit upset, but he never expected that reaction. The situation seemed to mean more to Cole than Kyle realized and now Kyle was left wondering how he could rectify the situation.

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