Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: An Escape

Kyle's feet blurred as he stared at them, his limbs too fast to properly be seen by his tired eyes. Kyle had been doing this all day because, once again, he was ignoring Cole.

The acknowledgement of it brought guilt to Kyle's chest because he knew it wasn't right. It wasn't right to constantly be talking to then ignoring Cole without any explanation. It upset Cole and probably not only confused him but make him more unsure of their friendship and his worth to Kyle.

Of course, Kyle thought that Cole was one of the most amazing people in the world. But he didn't always make that clear and with the way that he was acting, he wouldn't be surprised if Cole didn't know.

Kyle shook his head and tried to take his mind off of Cole and onto the Art class that he was currently heading to. Kyle tried to gather some comfort from the fact that Angela would be in the class with him and she would possibly be able to distract him as well.

Before Kyle knew it, he was walking through the classroom door and seeing his art teacher, Ms. Reed. Soon after, he saw Angela sitting at her art seat already and his shoulders relaxed.

It was all going to be just fine.

Kyle and Angela spoke a bit as they waited, discussing some work they had and things about their friends. Angela soon noticed that Kyle was acting oddly at the mention of Cole and came to the conclusion that something was up. She was thinking of the right time to bring it up when the bell suddenly rang and the two were forced to quiet down for class.

It took a couple of moments for all the last minute students to enter the room and relax but then the room was silent, waiting for their teacher to speak.

"Good Morning class." Ms. Reed smiled warmly, her eyes bright. After she heard the replies from her students, she quickly went to explain what they would be doing that day. "So, today I am going to be teaching you about a new drawing technique, after that, you are to attempt to use it to create a piece of your own based on the prompt. Do any of you have questions before we get started?"

At the silence that followed her question, Ms. Reed smiled before continuing.

"Good then, now we can get to the first part." Their teacher chuckled quietly to herself with a bright smile still stuck onto her face. Kyle could feel how the mood in the room rose due to the good mood of their teacher. She was usually in a pretty decent mood anyway, and was good and not making it clear when she was upset. But today, she was especially happy and it did a lot to lift Kyle's.

Half an hour later, Kyle and the rest of the students in his class were starting their work. Small noises of complaint and frustration were let out around the room as they tried to get the hang of the new technique. It was one of the harder ones that they learned because it was more difficult to do and even more difficult to perfect.

Kyle's tongue stuck out of his mouth as he leaned over his piece, focused on getting it right. Then, Angela spoke.

"Is something wrong?" She asked quietly, her voice low as to not disturb the other kids in the class. Kyle jumped, luckily lifting pencil off of the paper before he messed up his work. He looked over at his friend and saw how concerned she was.

Kyle scoffed quietly to himself. Even Angela had noticed his odd behaviour.

"Why would anything be wrong?" Kyle asked in turn, quiet as he went back to focusing on his work. Kyle continued to work and Angela stayed silent. She didn't want to upset him more than necessary and left him.

But, as time continued to pass, Kyle's mind strayed to what was wrong. And naturally, his thoughts went to Cole. The one thing that had been bugging him about Cole, other than the fact that Cole was irresistible, kept coming to him.

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