Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Persistence Is Key

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy, Cole." Kyle lied while staring down at his book. "Could this wait until later?"

Cole bit his lip as he looked at Kyle, his disappointment evident. After failing at his previous tactics the day before, Cole thought that he might be able to wear Kyle down if it was under the pretense of needing help.

Cole believed that just about everyone enjoyed being needed and wanted for a task so he thought that this would work out perfectly. But in his very first attempt, where he said that he wanted help fixing the zipper on his bag, Kyle was sending him away.

Cole sucked in a large breath and nodded his head.

"Okay, that's fine." Cole let out a small, forced smile to keep up pleasant appearances. "I'll talk to you later then."

Cole turned back around in his chair and slumped into his seat. Well, that didn't work he thought disappointedly. I guess I'll have to try something else.

Several "Something Else's" later, Cole had just about as much success as he did on his first attempt. Kyle had mastered the technique of finding the most bullshit excuse for avoiding Cole and Cole, unwanting to cause a scene or get Kyle to become further distant, couldn't argue against them.

The most frustrating part was that both cole and Kyle knew why Kyle was really avoiding Cole and why Cole was doing what he was, but neither clearly said it. Neal was especially frustrated by that fact as the day went on. Kyle was acting like an idiot and Cole wasn't calling him out on it.

If this isn't resolved by next week, I will take matters into my own hands. Neal had vowed, silently. I cannot be their friend and continue to let them wallow in their misunderstanding for any longer than that.

Now, it was afternoon and Kyle was warming up outside. The weather was quite cold today and Kyle, not being a fan of freezing his pecks off, was wearing a sweater and full sweatpants.

Cole arrived panting. He had done his best to rush outside and try to get to Kyle quickly so that they could work out faster and thus, had more time to talk. His plan was to wait until he and Kyle were worked out and tired before he confronted Kyle on his avoidance. He was tired of waiting for Kyle to realize that what happened didn't matter. He wanted his best friend back.

But, when Cole found Kyle jogging around the unused softball field, his cheeks pink from the cold and his breath coming out in clouds, Cole realized that he couldn't wait.

Kyle jogged back around before he came over to Cole. Kyle decided, in that moment, that he would be all business and just focus on giving Cole a different workout.

"Hey, you ready to get started?" Kyle asked blankly, his eyes on his hands that he was rubbing together and not on Cole.

"Yeah, I am but-"

"Let's go then." Kyle interrupted. Kyle walked away from Cole and headed over to the closest bench where he had laid out the equipment for the day. "So today we are-"

Kyle went on to explain what they were going to be doing. Cole tried to listen properly, but he was too busy thinking about Kyle. Thinking about what he would say to Kyle. Thinking about how Kyle looked while acting authoritatively.

They had barely been working out for twenty minutes when Cole spoke.


Kyle kept on going, briefly glancing at Cole while he did.

"What is it? Don't you dare tell me that you're tired? I thought we talked about going pat your limits." Kyle spoke in a deep commanding tone. He could get pretty serious while he was acting as Cole's exercise coach. Usually, Cole kind of liked it. Now though, he wanted Kyle to stop and really listen.

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