Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Emotions Coming off of the Canvas

Continued from the last chapter.

"So," Neal started, steering the conversation away from Kyle's body with ease. "You've been hanging out with Angela a ton lately right?"

Kyle's right eyebrow raised by itself out of suspicion. Neal's question was far from subtle and Neal obviously didn't want it to be subtle anyway. That aroused suspicion.

"Yeah, I guess so. Why?" Kyle quickly answered the question guardedly before shooting one himself.

Neal shrugged, his lips were quirking up into a smirk and Kyle didn't like it. Cole watched on, have mixed feelings about the interaction.

He would have enjoyed it because he was still new to being friends with Kyle and Neal and whenever they had conversations like this, it was very funny to watch. But, Neal was trying to lead up to the topic of Kyle's relationship with Angela.

Neal had told Cole the day that Kyle had first had lunch at Angela's table that Kyle hadn't dated a girl since freshman year and any girls that he had liked were either taken or Kyle got over them before doing anything about it. This, in turn, made Neal very excited about the possibility that Kyle not only liked a girl but was dating her as well.

Cole didn't like that though. If it were up to him, Kyle would still be single, or at least not dating some other person. But Cole wouldn't let himself get caught up in those thoughts and instead put on a smile by thinking of the fact that Kyle would be happy about this. Very happy.

"Oh, you know." Neal looked beyond Kyle to Angela's table then let his gaze fall on his friend again. "I just think that you should have told your best friend when you made the plunge and got yourself a girlfriend."

Kyle's eyes almost popped out of his head from the shock. He looked from Neal to Cole to Neal to Cole again and realized that Cole had come to the exact same conclusion.


"Wha- you guys! Why would you think-" Kyle cut himself off when he remembered. He had forgotten to tell them. "Fudge."

Neal was nodding smugly and Cole was following him suit.

"Mmmhmm. Don't try to deny it now." Neal sassed. Kyle shook his head and sighed.

"No, you guys don't understand, I'm not dating Angela." Kyle tried to tell them, rubbing his forehead because of the annoyance.

"Then what do you call repeatedly hanging out with someone after you both agreed to a first date?" Cole found himself asking accusingly.

"Dating." Neal answered.

"A friendship!" Kyle yelled.

Neal laughed but Cole's face scrunched up in confusion.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Cole softly asked after a few minutes. Kyle's eyes lit up and he raised his hand to get a high-five from Cole.

"I knew I liked you." Kyle grinned, his heart giving a hard thump when Cole's cheeks flushed.

Neal sighed deeply and looked at Kyle.

"Would you care to explain?" Neal asked Kyle. Kyle nodded and sat up straight.

"I did go on the date with Angela and it went well, great actually. But I realized . . . I realized why I shouldn't date her and told her why. She was ok with it and we both agreed to just be friends." Kyle went on to explain. He could see as the disappointment came on to Neal's face but his friend shook it off and smiled at Kyle.

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