Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: So I’m not Completely Crazy

Kyle sat up in his bed, his back tight from being unused as he had been asleep, and looked around his room through squinted eyes. It was a Saturday, and despite having already been on vacation for two weeks, he still thought about going to school. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, he only had to wait a few more days before he had to head back in for the second half of the school year.

Groaning, Kyle pulled himself out of bed and managed to get ready for the day. After the party yesterday, Kyle felt that he had done enough socializing. Telling himself that he would ‘see most of them on Monday’ kept him from calling them to hang out due to guilt. With all of his bases covered, Kyle planned to spend the day lounging around his home and relaxing. He had to make sure that he does this before getting back into the stress of school and life.

Kyle made his way downstairs and found his father in front of the stove. Raising his eyes at the rare sight, Kyle spoke.

“Well, would you look at that. Charles Bonheur is cooking! Clearly ‘anyone can cook’ if the stiff white man stands in front of the stove.” Kyle joked loudly in English, laughing when his father shook his head.

“Oh, hush. Of course, I know how to cook!” His father argued deeply. Moving the eggs around on the pan, Charles finally deemed them cooked and started to sweep them onto a plate. “Your mother and I are just a bit old fashion. You know that.”

Kyle nodded and slowly made his way into the kitchen.

“Of course I do. You and mom have gender roles ingrained so deeply in you that it is still hard for me to admit that I like romance to my friends sometimes.” Kyle said matter-of-factly. “I’m surprised you two were so cool with the LGBTQ+ community.”

Charles smiled softly and shut off the stove before turning to his son.

“Your mother and I are more . . . spiritual than religious.” Kyle’s father thought carefully. “The sexuality part easy. The gender thing took some time.”

Kyle suddenly let out a loud laugh that ranges through the calm a silent kitchen.

“Remember that one time when I had to explain to you the difference between a Drag Queen and Transgender woman?” Kyle asked, struggling to piece together his words through his laughs. His father joined in and nodded his head.

“I do. Looking back I was confused for no reason.” Charles went to get a fork and started to eat his breakfast while standing. “Yet it still took you a whole half hour.”

“Three days.” Kyle interrupted. “I remember us talking about it once during every conversation we had those days until you got it.”

Charles waved off Kyle’s words as he walked over to the dining table.

“It doesn’t matter how long it was. Point is that I learned and still have a lot of learning to do.” The older man stated, finishing the discussion. “Go. Make your breakfast already. It should help you finally wake up.”

Kyle subtly rolled his eyes, out of sight from his dad.

“Alright. I guess I’ll do that.”


Kyle sat in his room hours later, his phone in his hand and his thumb scrolling through Facebook. He was catching up with what friends and family seemed to be posting, but after a few minutes he got to a post by his aunt that read,

“It’s great to be in 2019! So excited that my nephew K finally came out as gay! He brought his boyfriend to our family gathering and everyone loved how sweet they were. Support those in the LGBTQ+ community around you, everyone!”

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