Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Emotions On Canvas

Kyle had made a new friend.

The realization was odd to him since--for the most part--if his friends were from school they are either Neal or friendly acquaintances to Kyle.

But over the last three weeks, Cole had become an actual part of his life,

An actual friend.

And Kyle was probably enjoying it more than he should.

At this point Cold was sitting with them every single day for lunch, they all met up at Neal's locker to talk a little before classes, and he had even gone over to Kyle's house the previous week, meeting his other friends and having dinner with his family since Kyle was the only one who had the new Nintendo Switch.

Kyle felt it was great to have someone else added to their little group.

But there was still one slight problem.

Images of Cole plagued his thoughts regularly and there was no stop to it.

It unsettled him thoroughly since he didn't fully understand the cause, but there wasn't much Kyle could do to figure it out.

So he just tried to get used to the constant reminders of Cole's existence.

"I never thought I could be more hungry in my life!" Cole said as he sat down, sending a smile Kyle's way.

Speak of the devil... Kyle thought.

"Aren't you being a little dramatic?" Neal asked, his eyebrow raised as he watched how Cole scarfed down his meal. "You can't be that......hungry."

It seemed as if Neal was actually starting to believe him since Cole didn't even let in one breath with how fast he was shovelling the food into his mouth.

"No breakfast," He explained in between bites. "And, fell, asleep, before, I could eat, dinner."

"Ok ok, I think we understand." Kyle interrupted whatever Cole had just said. "Why don't you slow down? There's no point in eating if you die halfway through the process."

It looked as if that got through to Cole and he soon started eating at a regular fast pace, no longer at an inhuman like speed.

Neal and Kyle spoke avidly about a new TV show Kyle introduced his friend to. Cole, having watched the show, would occasionally nod and make noises that resembled yes and no until he could actually talk. Soon enough, once his meal was done, he was talking as much as his friends.

It was fun for all three of them and eventually, the bell rang, signalling all of the students to head back into class.

Luckily, Cole had finished but he was gulping down Nestea and water in alternation so he was upset that he would have to wait to finish.

"Don't worry bud, I'm sure you can drink those on the way home." Neal assured Cole. His hand on his shoulder as he smiled creepily.

"Why do you have to be so creepy man!" Kyle had laughed, a disgusted expression still dressing his features.

Cole laughed out loud but Neal was to busy trying to insult Kyle back.

This continued until Kyle had to split up from his little group to get to his next class.



When Kyle had originally chosen Art as an elective class, it wasn't that he was a die-hard art fanatic or amazingly talented but he liked art and though he was not terrible, he was not great either. But all of the others didn't appeal to him at the time so he decided on art.

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